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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi I love this thread too! I realized I never posted one....this one is probably our steamiest... hmmm but I also like this one too! These are beautiful!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan OK these are my sexiest. no ana y dave, but my inlaws were watching from the beach bar I knew they'd work it was more than we would WOOOOHOOO girl!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Trice Here are two of mine: The two of you make a perfect couple!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jananaz I loved scrolling through this thread! Sooo many fantastic pictures!!! Here's one of my favorites from our wedding day... I'm running with kissey lips lol this is insanely cute!
  5. I'm getting married May 14, 2010. I will have to catch up on the thread and see if I have anything to add! =)
  6. these are great! thanks for sharing and the inspiration!
  7. did anyone see Jon get blasted by Nancy Grace this week? I missed it, but heard about it... please share if you did!
  8. all these cute pics are making me want to consider multicolor for the bms!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Found this pic of all green bridesmaids! this is REALLY cute!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KJT1985 Bump. Mods, please modify title from "$300" to "$220, taking offers" I got your PM and am still considering! thanks for the update!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by marryinghimagain FINAL UPDATE: Well girls, I leave tomorrow for Mexico. I wanted to give you a final update on the starfish. I never did receive it. Nor did I ever hear anything from Jacilynda. Those of you that were in this same passing group may now want to find a new group since there is now no starfish to be passed. Those of you who are in other passing groups, please honor your commitment to passing it on. It is such a disappointment to us that have now been excluded from enjoying this fun connection with each other. Please be considerate of those who follow behind you on the list. I am sad that I will not get to be a part of this but will not let it spoil a minute of this exciting time. I'm sorry about the starfish, but wish you the wedding day of your dreams!
  12. thats tough! i guess just pick whatever sounds the most tasty!--sorry, that is probably not help at all! I'm sure they are all pretty good..
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Well, this bouquet is similar to what I was thinking of doing. I really LOVE this bouquet. Something about keeping my bouquet afterwards almost has me talked into doing "real touch" flowers. I just need to go for it! soooo pretty!
  14. I can totally relate! I bought my dress very early, then bought a second dress for my AHR and a third dress for a TTD (ridiculous, I KNOW)...I have now sold my TTD and am considering selling my AHR dress so I can buy a different one...I has been driving me absolutely nuts!
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