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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. For those if you that had read that I was considering eloping and not doing guests in Mexico, I have decided to stick with having guests. We are sending out our first wave of invitations this weekend! I am excited, but mad at myself for not getting these out sooner...oh well, I can't turn back time now...
  2. Mrsmarch4- we are just sending out invites with an RSVP card. Our invitations included wording about visiting our wedding website for travel accommodation information. We also included a blurb about additional information regarding our AHR to follow the mexico invites so if people decline they know there will be another time for us all to celebrate together.
  3. If you still have these, I'll take them PM me!
  4. I'm glad I read the info about bluenile. I've always wanted to use it but have been afraid! Thanks for sharing the info ladies!
  5. LadyT: about my 3 dresses: one I am going to wear for my ceremony- its a maggie, one will be worn for the reception in Mexico, and I'm thinking I will sell the other one or possibly use it for my TTD...I'll post pics as soon as I have some of myself in the dresses!
  6. Welcome! My mom gets on the forum all the time!
  7. I think a birdcage veil would look great with your dress! I love peep toed shoes, and I think they fit the style of your dress perfectly! If you wanted a traditional longer veil, I agree with the above post, waist length would be perfect! Good luck!
  8. Well ladies I got WAY off track for about a month. If you look back in this thread some where you may find where I said I was getting back on track...yeah that was a big FAT lie! BUT the other day my wedding dress came (I bought a lovely maggie off a gal on Ebay) and I decided to try it on, it fit perfectly. I noticed that I looked a little different in the mirror but I couldn't understand how that could be possible since I haven't been working out or counting points. After PROMISING myself that I wouldn't get upset if I got on the scale and had gained a few I got on...andddd....some how I lost 6lbs! A total of 17! 13 to go and promising to get back to this gym this week! I will keep you all posted!!! Keep up the hard work ladies, it will be worth it!
  9. I would personally remove the straps! I think it would look really cute strapless. You could also consider having a corset put in the back. I've been told by my seamstress this costs around $30. This way you can control how fitted to your body the dress is. I think its perfect for a TTD!
  10. A guy I worked with had me try his future FI's ring on as soon as he got it, before he asked her! He said he wanted to see what it would look like one someone with small hands (I have really tiny hands)...i just like to think I blessed it..HAHA jk! I always let friends try my ring on...I think its more of a personal thing: some people mind, others don't. ..
  11. Thanks for all the input! It is a very personal decision I am just SO much on the fence about what to do that I thought I would ask for some feedback!
  12. Your dress is beautiful! I LOVED watching your slideshow! You were a stunning bride. Where did you find the BM dresses? Those are so pretty! Congrats!
  13. I think it may be nice to have someone come to you! I was recently in a wedding and we all went to the salon to have our hair done and as nice as it was it really took up a huge part of the day and everyone was rushed getting to and from the salon/houses/to the ceremony location. It may be nice to have someone come to you to cut down on stress...
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