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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. That's so cool! I watch the show all the time, and the FI even weights in with his opinion from time to time! I hope you find the PERFECT dress!
  2. I LOVE the dress from davids bridal! I almost bought it as well! Congrats! It looks great on you!
  3. Coozies are always nice! I really like the cigar idea that was posted earlier!
  4. Your shower looked SO nice! Glad to hear you had such a nice time! =)
  5. It is a pain, but I hand addressed all mine. I am extremely anal and it drove me crazy that they weren't all perfect, but oh well.....I do like the personal touch! I also put some tropical stamps in our wedding colors on the envelopes to jazz them up a bit (ours were just plain white).
  6. Lisa- Have the time of your life! You will be the most beautiful bride! We will all be thinking of you and praying for good weather!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!
  7. *Linds*


    Congrats! Happy planning to you!
  8. That will be beautiful! I am getting married in the Riviera Maya as well! Weclome!
  9. I've heard great things about the Moon Palace! Congrats! =)
  10. Maui will be such a beatiful location! Congrats & Happy Planning!
  11. Happy planning and CONGRATS!
  12. Shellk- thanks! I am sent the first batch out today! I will post pics ASAP! I just need to stop being so lazy about it haha! How are things going for you?? Double Digits- EXCITING!!!!
  13. Josie-Thanks for the tips on the pictures! I appreciate your help =) Have a blast this weekend!
  14. I love these! Very similar to what I'm doing, but mine are fishbowls with a floating lilly. Yours look awesome!
  15. Well I got to see the "first run" of my flowers today and they look GREAT! They are actually just silks, and look much better than expected. I am planning to carry the real bouquet from the resort, but I needed to have bouquets for my AHR...once I get them I will post the pics! I am addressing and mailing invites starting tomorrow! We are doing separate invites for the ceremony in Mexico and our AHR. The first set going out will be for Mexico, which is what I will work on tomorrow with my momma! We won't send out the invites for our AHR until 3 months or so before. I guess I need to post pics of my invites as well! I'll have to figure out how to post pics first lol!
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