Jannae- that's AWESOME about the upgraded room! I am REALLY hoping our travel agent can do smoething like that for us, but I'm not going to bet my mortgage payment on it...I will be crossing my fingers tightly though. How were you able to negotiate that?
I am working on the pics. This weekend is my FINAL GOAL! haha!
Most recently I had a meltdown about my flowers. They are really pretty and all but they are all silk and they just don't look near as good as the real touch. My mom is meeting with the gal doing our flowers as I type this, we are looking into changing to real touch. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.
This weekend the FI and I are going to meet with the bakery to do cake tasting and pick out the design on our cake for our AHR- should be fun!
I can't wait to hear about Lisa's trip. I really hope it went well for her! The countdown is on for Josie!