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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. Welcome back! Thanks for sharing the information and the beautiful pictures with us!
  2. I would personally wait so people have an actual date and can begin to plan accordingly, otherwise there is really no point of an STD, esp. if you haven't chosen a specific date you are asking people to save. Just my 2 cents! Best of luck!
  3. I love this resort, it is so beautiful! Congrats & Happy Planning!
  4. chewing tobacco- needless to say he learned his lesson. He's trying atleast. I know its hard to forgive.
  5. trust me I know how you feel! I found chew in my FI's drawer once and had no clue he was doing it. I flipped out like PSYCHO flipped out, and felt like I would never get over it and told him it was a deal breaker. I basically told him if he ever did something like that again he would lose me forever. He knows how stupid it was and has never repeated any type of similar behavior. It sounds like to me you just need to keep a sharp eye on things, but i really feel like he deserves a second chance. I think if you do some real soul searching you will find your answer. You probably know deep down inside if he would ever do something sneaky again. IT sounds like extremely poor and immature decision making to me.... I think you guys can get though this and come out on the other side a stronger couple. One thing I learned is I can be hard to approach about things that my FI knows is going to make me upset because I am very emotional and I can tend to have knee-jerk reactions...maybe your fi feels the same. I just know I do it because I am passionate about the way I feel about things... how are you feeling now? Still the same?
  6. KimmyG- I acutally lived in Northern, KY (villa hills) everyone over there says they are from Cincy though. I worked right downtown in the Chemed building across from the Chaquita building. I left to move back home to Indianapolis. I miss Cincy. It is so much fun and I still have some friends there! I love to visit! Its such an easy drive! I miss burrito joes the most, but I do crave a baked potato from skyline from time to time
  7. It is my understanding that it is no problem to change packages based on what the coordinators at the resort have told my mom.
  8. Congrats & Happy planning! You will find a wealth of great information here!
  9. omg that's great news, prob some of the best news a bride can get! Sounds like you have a pretty great mom!
  10. just some quotes... “There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” “You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.” " If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive "
  11. Karen, Wow this would be a tough one! I am not one to easily forgive and I am typically pretty skeptical as well so I can totally relate. That being said, I have dealt with similar, not the same by any means, but similar situations with my FI in the past. What I have learned and what I can deduce from your situation is, it sounds like your FI felt pretty ashamed about the money he owed to someone, asahmed enough that he didn't want to tell anyone about it. I can totally understand how upset you would be because I would imagine you feel like he lied and conceled something from you (atleast that's how I would feel). My first thought would be- if you can hide this, what else are you capable of hiding. What you should try to keep in mind is people don't always think things all the way through. If he owed someone 5K or any chunk of money it was probably the result of a poor decision in the past that he was ashamed of to begin with, by not bringing it to your attention he felt like he was protecting you from his blunder. In my opinion he did not do this to be sneaky or hide things from you, but he did want someone who wanted to stay out of trouble and make up for their past mistakes would do. This isn't how I would go about it, nor how you probably would either, but the fact is he did. I know it can feel like a deal breaker, but try to put yourself in his shoes and understand why he did it. It sounds like to me he wanted to pay off his debt and move forward with a life with you. I would feel devistated as well. I think the most important factor is how is he going to handle this going forward and what is he going to do to make you feel better about the situation. He made a mistake, as EVERYONE does, how will he fix/handle it. You love him, you plan to marry him, you atleast owe him the opportunity to begin to rebuild trust with you. Punshing him over and over will only make it worse, trust me, i've done it. Give him a chance to remind you why you picked him in the first place. I hope you can find it in your heart to give him a second chance. In my opinion he deserves it. -Lindsey
  12. Since we are having a small ceremony in Mexico (10-20 people) we will be having a traditional reception at home at a local country club. It is not for everyone, you should do what you feel like will make you look back on your wedding with the fondest possible memories! Traditions are changing, so nothing is set in stone these days..or so it seems Just my 2 cents!
  13. is anyone doing something different than oot bags??
  14. *Linds*


    Congratas & HAPPY PLANNING! =)
  15. I'm so jealous! MY mom gave me zoom as a graduation gift but the dentist told me I wasn't a candidate because my teeth are already too white, but i want them to be WHITER! Let us know how you come out!
  16. I agree 100%. Beauty isn't a size, its a state of mind. Obviously your FI thinks you are stunning which is all that really matters!
  17. I feel the same way regarding the reception. I've just decided that we will figure out something free to do, whether it is stay at the resort and have our own little thing or head out some where. I am not really worried about a reception in Mexico, so I feel fortunate that I do not have to stress over it.
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