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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. How do you feel about the wallpaper in the dining room?? I actually really love it! Congrats! Such a cute house! My FI & I just bought a house as well
  2. I would say, Like, very unique jon & kate plus 8?
  3. karen- as you already know my heart truely goes out to you! I cannot imagine how you are feeling. Try to put everyone else aside. If people that had booked and such were not a factor what would you do? This is the rest of your life we are talking about here... I'm still saying work through it. Not a single relationship is without problems and getting married is about learning to work through the problems and not just give up and walk away. He probably needs your love and support to help him trhough his problem. It sounds like you need to hear him say he will do WHATEVER it takes to make ti work with you. Do you even know what it would take? I've been following this non stop because I've been worrying about you since I read this!
  4. kittenheart- thanks for sharing! That's great news! Sounds like you've had some great results!
  5. Wow. It seems like you have a lot going on! I cannot really relate because I have never had anything like your experiences happen to me but what I can relate to is your unhappiness! I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this and as bad as things are right now and with the way you are feeling it may be a good idea to postpone or call the wedding off for now. Your wedding day is something you should look back on as the happiest day of your life, and it doesn't sound like there is a lot of happiness between you and your FI. Follow your heart and I'm sure you will make the right decision! Best of luck! *HUGS*
  6. should be against some sort of law : working 5 days/week!!!
  7. hahah I love that! You little zil you...ahah
  8. dislike wrapping christmas gifts??
  9. I went slightly bridezilla on the reception site for my AHR last night...I could've used the shirt! lol!
  10. Msshelley- those invitations are beautiful! I love them!
  11. there are tons of great tips out here!
  12. Can anyone share some specific results, as in weight lost??
  13. Congrats & Happy Planning! This forum is a wealth of information and a great support system!
  14. LOVE! PLANNING/thinking of a surprise?
  15. *Linds*


    Isn't this site packed full of information?! I love it! Congrats & Happy Planning!
  16. From what I understand there is a blood test, quite a bit of paperwork, and translation of the wedding license involved. It seems to be less of a hassle to just get legally married before you leave.
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