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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. LOVE! GO Allen and Liz! So you think you can dance?
  2. Congrats & Welcome! You will find a wealth of information here!
  3. *Linds*


    Congrats & Happy Planning!!
  4. I'm a size 6/8 in regular clothes and got a size 10 maggie and it fit perfectly! The girl I bought it from was a street size 4 and it fit her too. If it is a maggie with a lace up back there is def. some give!
  5. If these work someone better let me know! haha I have some thunder thighs that could use help! Even with working out I need MORE!
  6. I will be getting married at home before we head to Mexico as well. We are actually going to have my Gpa be our witness and such because he won't be able to join us in Mexico so it will be very special for him. He lives in a very small town and I think we will find a cute place around there to share our marriage with him.
  7. it sounds like they just care a lot about you and the must know how great you are for their son! I'm sure they know how devistated your FI would be if you decided to leave him and I'm sure that plays a role in your FMIL's panic!
  8. autjo- thanks for sharing! Congrats on your results! Sounds like your hard work as really paid off!!
  9. This forum is awesome! I am now on here all the time because i love getting tips and ideas from all the other brides. I also love to keep up with what everyone is up to. Happy Planning!
  10. Its hard Karen. I think you really have no choice but to do some serious soul searching, but you seriously remind me a lot of myself which is why I have become some worried about this. If your FI is willing to do whatever you may possibly require of him to fix this I think the right thing to do is to forgive and work through it. One day you will need forgiveness from him...it is just inevitable. My FI and i have been through a lot in our 3 years and I know that because of our really difficult times we will have a lasting marriage... Keep me posted on how you are doing. Your FI must be emotionally exhausted and I would imagine you would be even more so. Try to do something that you enjoy to take your mind off of things..a nice massage or something? Just a thought!
  11. please excuse my double post! I just HAD to change the "i'm" to "we" since i'm not technically paying for my wedding SORRY!!
  12. aww Congrats! Ering shopping is so fun! Happy Planning! PS- 5k is totally doable! we are spending 5k on my destination portion (we are also having an AHR)
  13. aww Congrats! Ering shopping is so fun! Happy Planning! PS- 5k is totally doable! I'm spending 5k on my destination portion (we are also having an AHR)
  14. I love these...too bad the stupid place I am having my AHR won't let you hang things from the ceiling. I seriously went bridezilla about this yesterday. I'm still REALLY upset about it!
  15. I don't know what that is am i missing out? wii?
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