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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. Kelly- I love your outlook! You look stunning in your pics!
  2. cute! Thanks for sharing! I have been brainstorming different favors that don't just get thrown away, this is def. a good one!
  3. Congrats & to the forum!!
  4. fiance's job : taking out the trash
  5. I think he his about as horrible as he can be so editing or not, he sucks! You are right, he was so strange during the interview...almost jittery--cocaine? haha
  6. Jen- I feel like it is coming SOO fast too! I have 13-15lbs to lose and that is my biggest stress that I won't get it done by then lol!
  7. I love all the pics! Thanks for sharing! PS- your egagement pics are so good!
  8. *Linds*

    a french can

    Congrats! to the forum!
  9. haha well FI was guilty 2x's last week of not hanging up his wet towel from the shower and leaving in on the floor so I am hoping for a better week this week
  10. CONGRATS! I'm getting married in the Riviera Maya you will get used to the forum language, it took me a little time too!
  11. hahahaha omg that is hilarious! egsarah- I wish you all the best and I hope nothing puts a cloud over your special day! Please let us all know how everything plays out! We are all on your side
  12. Ok, so I was really sad last night after the show ended! My heart goes out to Kate and I hope she does another show so I can keep watching! IMO- Jon dug himself in an even deeper hole. He looked like SUCH an idiot while they were making signs for the lemonade sale at the fire dept. He seems to want to make everything about him. He kept saying things like, "maybe I will just go sell the lemonade", "I will make the signs", blah blah blah lets make everything about Jon. I feel liek his parenting skills are terrible. He has 8 kids, you would think there would be a lot of room for practice, but clearly he is too busy galavanting around NYC (having the "best of both worlds" in his own words) to focus on his children. He is a disgrace. I thank God every day that I know my FI will make a better father than that. His constant excuses for his erratic behavior are just so lame. He made the choice to get married at 22 and have children young. It takes two to tango buddy. I will seriously miss this show!!!!!!
  13. *Linds*


    Hello! Welcome to the forum! CONGRATS!
  14. these are so hilarious to read! it drives me up a wall when FI leaves a trail of clothes through the house! He's been working on it though
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