shellk- you crack me up! Love the ironing story! Sounds like you are REALLY well prepared! It could be cute to add a veil to your shoot with the wedding underwear..just a thought!
That is seriously the sweetest thing about your dad. I'm sorry for your loss! Everything looks amazing! Thanks for sharing all the pics. It makes me excited for my own wedding!
I only went to Menards. I got 26 large jar candles for $1.87 each. I know it seems like a lot but i got some for my mom..
snuggie- $2.99 (could only get 1 because people were out of control with them)
2 fleece blankets- $1.87 each
3 pairs of gloves- $.50 each
1 cake pan w/lid- $6.00
8 drinking glasses- $5.00
mp 4 and video player- $20.00
I got a lot of other things but those items were the door busters I was after. Some of the stuff is kind of random (i know) but FI and I adopted a family in need for Christmas and some of these items are for them....
That's all for my black friday shopping- not too exciting but i was happy with what I got, except that I wanted one more snuggie =(
Lisa- Thank you SO much for your review! You made a beautiful bride! THanks for all the tips too! I want the exact same flowers you had. Yours were so pretty! I've been eyeing that bouquet online for a long time! CONGRATS again and THANK YOU!!!!
thats tough, I like reading but I like hearing stories too! I listen to a lot of audio books right now because I do a lot of driving for my current job, so I guess thats sort of being told a story.
My best friend was married in June and they did all of their photos before the ceremony. Granted she did not have a destination wedding, but it worked out really well because it gave them plenty of time and any additional photos they wanted they had some time in between the ceremony and reception to snap them off!