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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. what day will you be returning home? I am just asking because our travel dates may be changing slightly. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for sharing! I love your pics! Good luck with your move! That is quite a journey!
  3. I LOVE a bargin as well! This may sound really stupid, but I have never been big into black friday shopping, I had no idea that you could get some amazing deals online until I heard all the buzz about it this year! I have been feeling super depressed today because typically I am completely finished with my Christmas shopping by now with the gifts wrapped and under the tree. I have maybe purchased 5 gifts! Fi and I also adopted a family in need for Christmas so that is extra shopping as well! I LOVE Christmas more than anything, but this go around i've been feeling a bit depressed (not sure why)...i'm hoping i get out of the blues soon!
  4. Karen- so glad to hear that you guys are working through things! I really feel like you are doing the right thing! I am very passionate about my feelings, as it sounds like you are. We can probably be pretty harsh. I'm a fighter when i'm mad, and i'm a lover when i'm loving....I strongly believe that once a couple is engaged that you really are in it for the long haul. Your plan should be to fight to stay together and fight for your love. It will be hard. period. (obviously there are situations where you need to walk away) but I think yours is one working through. Keep us posted on how things are going! Wishing you & your FI the best, Lindsey
  5. vdaybride- that's a great deal on the towels, 24 for $60 is IMPRESSIVE! Did you bear the crowds anywhere or did you do all your shopping online??
  6. Josie- I hope your day is all that you could have ever imagined or more! I cannot wait for you to get back and tell us all about it! CONGRATS MRS.!
  7. Thank you so much for sharing! I absolutely LOVE your TTD pictures! They are my fav. that I've seen so far!
  8. *Linds*


    Congrats! I am gettig married in Playa del Carmen on May 14th! If there is anything I can answer for you I'd be happy to try! Happy Planning!
  9. Thanks for sharing! You made an absolutely gorgeous bride! Congrats!
  10. dislike x's a million- i hate my job and can't wait to quit and go back to school birthday parties?
  11. *Linds*


    Hello! Congrats and welcome to the forum! Best of luck with all your planning! There is tons of information to be found here!
  12. wow that is a GREAT price for those! I wish I would have seen the link a LONG time ago! I love my invites, but I like yours better
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum! I absolutely love Cabo! IT was one of my fav. vacations!
  14. Golf Tee's are a really good favor idea! I had never thought of that! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Your pics are adorable! The colors are AMAZING! I wish we had a pretty waterfall around here! Congrats!!
  16. Tanya, Welcome to the forum! Happy planning! ROR is beautiful! -Lindsey
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