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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. Jerseykitten- I'm right there with you. I can manage to justify why I shouldn't go to the gym every single day. My biggest problem is we are doing a lot of projects around the house right now and there is no way I can make progress with those AND go to the gym after work. FML!
  2. ugh I want to get married again so I can buy this!!!!!!!
  3. Everything looks fantastic! You know I love you dearly! I cannot believe its finally your turn! When us May brides were coming and going you still felt like you had a ways to go! I am beyond excited for you! You will make the sweetest, most beautiful bride! Just don't like T, Tea bag you baahahahahahha! Had to throw in a lil chi-town love! XoXo
  4. ahhhh I love all your pics!!!!! It makes me want to go back SO bad! You are gorgeous, by the way!
  5. If your sale on the bracelet falls through, let me know! I'll take it for sure!
  6. girls night: bachelorette party!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs i heart you so much!! hahaha confession: i would much rather adopt linds and feed her a bottle of wine than adopt a baby and feed it a bottle of formula. I am dying at this!!! BAHAHAHAH made my day! you Cougs!!!! Oh and PS cougs- S asked about you this weekend and said that it didn't seem like we had text eachother much lately...haha he is concerned for us apparently!
  8. If this were me, my knee-jerk reaction would be, hell no! I would not be happy about it AT ALL! Example...we had uninvited guests at our wedding (my best friend's inlaws, also one of the GMs parents, my best friend and one of the gm's are married)**sorry if that's confusing...I was so upset that they were coming because I felt like it was going to turn into a family reunion for them, not the mention that they were bringing their daughter down as a gift to her and to celebrate her college graduation. I was so mad because I thought they were going to steal my thunder and take away from my day. In the end, everything turned out just fine (besides the uninvited mother wearing and all white dress at my wedding ceremony lol). I've learned that you can only control what you can control. Express how you feel, keep it classy, and move on. If they want to go against your wishes and get engaged before your wedding day, is there REALLY anything you can do about? I'm afraid there probably is not. Chances are others will be aware of how this situation may make you feel and caution the newly engaged couple to keep their celebrations to a dull roar because, after-all, they are there for your wedding. In my situation, I expressed my concerns to my best friend and just asked her to keep them in mind while we were in Mexico. On several occassions she reminded her MIL that we were there to celebrate my wedding and they would have "family time" after we (myself and DH) left the resort for our honeymoon. The best part was I didn't have to make an a$$ out of myself by expressing these feelings all over the place and making sure everyone knew just how annoyed I was. I let the situation speak for itself and everything turned out fine. Word to the wise...only worry about what you can control and don't worry about what you cannot. PS- I'm a leo too Good luck!
  9. If you go into your meeting with a plan of exactly what you want, they are pretty easy to work with. I had zero issue with having an outside photog. Just said a friend would be doing the video and photography- I paid no fee. I also just reminded them that it was necessary for me to have the complimentary cocktail hour because of the gap between my reception and the dinner. They said the would be charging me a set up fee for the chair bows and favors. I was never charged, however they lost my chairbows and starfish pins Still not happy about that, but i'm over it. If you want that stuff back MAKE SURE you have a plan in place to have it delivered to your room, etc. It is really easy to forget about. I didn't even think about the fact that those items were never returned to me until we were already home.
  10. nic- I got both of my parents embroidered hankies with touching sayings from etsy.com The chairs come with white chair covers. We had 20 guests and were able to get earlier seating. We did not pay extra for anything besides the mariachi band. We asked for a complimentary cocktail reception, which we had free of charge. It was awesome! They were bringing shots, cocktails, etc etc until dinner started. It worked out perfectly for us.
  11. Everything looks great! I esp love the colors of your passports and your dress! Same dress I bought used for mt TTD and LOVED it! Congrats!! Cannot wait to see pictures when you return! Have a great trip!
  12. Confession: I slept great last night...Thank you wine and finally getting some bootay! hahahaha
  13. confession: i want cougs and t to adopt meeeeeeeeee confession 2: DH and I are passing a bottle, yes a bottle of wine back and forth...haha
  14. This is going off subject regarding confessions, but.... Cougs- when did you decide no babies?! You would make a great momma!
  15. Oh manders! I love you momma! I cannot wait for you to get KTFU!!!!! Confession: DH and I are totally sucking in the sex dept. since we got back from our weddingmoon! UGH!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Lisa- OMG I CANNOT even believe that it has been 8 months since your wedding! That is SO SO SO insanse because I can totally remember discussing details before you left!!!! Wow! Time really does fly! Adrienne- AYAYAYAYAYA!!! You're back! I love love love your Epics, but you probably already know that since I commented all over them! hehe! Jannae- more pics! more pics! more pics! Gosh you were gorgeous!
  17. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress you picked!!!! So beautiful! I love your running theme as well! Thanks for sharing! Congrats!
  18. I love them, esp. because you made them yourselves! I think you should keep them! They are super cute!
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