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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. aww! Thanks for sharing the pics! Your bridal shower looks lovely! I love that gift your cousin did! That's impressive!
  2. Hello! Congrats & to the forum! Best of luck with all your planning!
  3. Jessica- haha I love it! I am crossing my fingers that the Colts keep Hank so they will be around next season!
  4. Did anyone watch the new episode of Kendra last night I was not a Kendra fan when she was on The Girls Next Door, but for some reason I just love her now! She is so down to earth! I think she and Hank have the sweetest relationship! I can't believe she had a 9lb baby, her belly was huge!
  5. Hi Brandon! Congrats & to the forum! If you have a specific topic you need help with try performing a search of the forum! That is one way to find tons of helpful information! Happy Planning!
  6. *Linds*


    Hello! Congrats & to the forum! Best of luck with all your planning to come!
  7. Lisa- Congrats on the weightloss! That is awesome! Your aunt is SO talented! Your dress is beautiful!
  8. I completely see where you are coming from regarding the OOT bags and how you are feeling, but honestly I wish my TA would do something like this for me! I just cross my fingers that she returns phone calls and emails promptly! I can imagine that you feel dissapointed because you probably put a lot of thought into your OOT bags, but maybe you can think of some different things to include in your bags!
  9. I'm not a Jan bride, but I just wanted to pop in and say CONGRATS to all you Jan 2010 brides!!! YOU ARE GETTING SO CLOSE!!!!!
  10. Hi Jessica! Congrats & to the forum! Happy Planning!
  11. Everything looks amazing! I love all the pictures! Thanks for sharing! CONGRATS!!!
  12. omg these look fantastic! I hope mine turn out this good! Congrats!
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