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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. like! chocolate covered strawberries?
  2. Cougs- yes I am dazed, confused, and hangry (hungry+angry) on a regular basis! PS- that is fackin awesome about the running! WooT!
  3. Tash- I won't be able to send you my weight today because i'm travelling for work!
  4. Di- that is actually a good idea IMO! I think I may want to do that to help me get more comfortable in front of the camera too as dorky as that sounds AND so I don't look like an exhausted, hung over mess!
  5. *Linds*


    Hello! Congrats & to the forum!
  6. I can't believe your big day is finally here! I hope it is wonderful! I can't wait to hear all about it when you come back! I hope your FI LOVES his gift Congrats MRS!!!
  7. wow! Your pictures are so amazing! I'm sure you hear that all the time, but you are extremely talented!
  8. We are kind of doing our Vday tonight. We had our fav. pizza and are just hanging out and watching movies with some drinks! Its been wonderful! Sam was sweet enough to send me 3 bouquets of flowers and choc covered strawberries throughout this week!!! Hope you all are having a fantastic Vday!
  9. My semi-short term goal is -6lbs by the chi-town meet up, so the first weekend in April...also my BD session! ahhh!
  10. Thanks ladies! I've been trying really hard!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird I agree 130 is ridiculous for someone 5'10"! You'd look freaking anorexic!! JEEZ! I'm "supposed" to be 130 pounds, I'm 5'3", and I get told by my doctor all the time that I'm too heavy and need to lose weight and that my BMI is too high. I guess because I'm so short, it seems that I'm too heavy because I'm 160 pounds, but I'm a size 10/12 street clothes, so I'm like WTF? .... I really hate that I get told I need to lose weight just because I'm muscular, I work out everyday, lift weights and eat healthy! I'm getting to a point in my life where I realize that even when I was smaller ( in highschool), I still thought I was "fat" because our media and society has portrayed women so poorly for so long, and it has created so many body image issues out there. It's to the point, that even when we are thin, we don't see ourselves as thin, we just compare ourselves to the next thinnest girl, and how we are not thinner than her.... I believe that as long as you are happy and healthy that is all that matters!! We should praise all sizes, shapes, etc! Ugh it sucks so bad to be short! I think 130 at 5'3 is pushing it really, esp if you are muscular. I am extremely muscular. I am 5'2 and my goal weight is 135! I feel like I will look good and feel healthy at that size! My clothes size won't even change really though. I have 11lbs left to lose, so you do the math and I am a 6/8 in street clothes right now. I will be the same size at 135...so annoying! I know I have less to lose than some of you ladies, but I have super skinny friends and I have always felt like the chubby girl esp. after I got up to 165 in college! FML!
  12. like! yummy! toast with cinnamon and sugar
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