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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. I wasn't going to get my hair done but I think I probably should or I'll stress out about it and have a meltdown when it looks like shyt lol!
  2. omg so cute! This totally makes me want a new caketopper!
  3. When making a hair appointment at the spa did you just call them directly?
  4. I hope you realize this by now... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. awh, i love it! Your ring is beautiful! Congratas & thanks for sharing!
  6. You should def. try to sell your dress on this site and various other wedding dress sites! You deserve to feel beautiful on your big day! I'm sorry your FMIL sort of abandonded you for shopping! Good luck!
  7. loveeeeeeeee cherries picked right from the tree??
  8. Jannae- where are you getting the maracas made?? I would like to do the same!
  9. Tash- I totally missed this week's weigh in! I've been out of town for work the past 2 nights so it completely escaped me, plus I had no scale in the hotel room haha! Sorry!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by whitechocolate This is fun! Born and raised Hoosier - Indiana University for me! Woo hoo! Another Hoosier!
  11. Undergrad- Ball State University! GO CARDS! CHIRP CHIRP!....Grad-to be determined
  12. aWh Congrats Brandy! You are so right! I'm sure you made an absolutely stunning bride!
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