Jen- that's the whole thing. NONE of his family is coming except is brother. Granted many of his family members don't have much money or are old and don't feel comfortable traveling that far, so in terms of people actually coming to the shower that are coming to the wedding--there is just one, his brother. At this point I'm not really sure I care of I offend anyone because they have no problem with hanging us out to dry. His parents have done NOTHING to help my family! My parents are paying for everything! Including our traditional AHR that will be just like a regular wedding reception without the ceremony back home! I don't even want his mom and dad there because I don't feel like they deserve to attend. If they can't pony up any money to help, extend a helping offering like watch our dogs or something, or come to Mexico, then why should they get to ccome party with everyone and drink the drinks and eat the food that my parents paid for....its so ridiculous in my mind.
At the same time, I don't want to stoop to their level of having such poor sense of self and what is right by not going to the shower. I am a very strong woman, and I won't play nicey nice to them when I see them. So if I do go, they will both get the cold shoulder, because that's what they have given me and it would go against everything I stand for if I acted all fake like it is no big deal....ugh! FML!