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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. Hi Katie!!! Karen- It was totally random! I actually got him a watch and a bd book for a wedding gift. On a whim he decided he really wanted a motorcycle, but couldn't pull the trigger on this bike he found because it was just a "want" and not a need, money etc etc.....he has been so conflicted, and i just happened to be in an extremely spontaneous mood so I decided to completely trick him. I called the guy that was selling it and had him lie to SAm and tell him it was sold...etc. I'm really glad I did it. I'm not sure i've ever seen him that happy and shocked!
  2. Haha yeah...its not like brand new or anything....you can check out the pics I just added of FB if you add me- Lindsey Hearne
  3. ugh I wish I was holding a glass of wine...but I'm on a natural high since I just surprised my fiance with a motorcycle today!
  4. Congrats!!!! I remember the feeling like it was yesterday! It is such a great accomplishment! Be sure to take time to enjoy the moment!
  5. Amy- I was hoping this would be a drunken driveby!!!!
  6. She is super fast to respond which is so awesome since my wedding is RIGHT around the corner! I did some research on other people selling these on ebay and etsy and her price is def. the best! Thanks again!!!!
  7. hahaha. I can't wait to hear how it goes Amy! i'm in big trouble when it comes to drinking in mexico! I haven't really drank since i met up with all the SB girls in chicago and even then my tolerance was SUPER low because we haven't been drinking at all on our diets.....I intended to practice a bit this weekend
  8. Amy- you better knock a few drinks back and start writing some sappy vows immediately!
  9. ummmm i'm totally short and stubby and I did mine the same day as V and it was a fantastic experience. I didn't feel sexy at all, but when I got my pics back I was extremely surprised!!!! Its so worth it and I would suggest it to every woman no matter shape or size!
  10. Amy- I still have to write my vows to!!!!!!!!!!!! FACK! I just finished editing our hand and sand ceremonies...hopefully S stops being a jacka$$ and I get inspired to write something loving to him lol!
  11. I REALLY need to get my music done too! I have been totally slacking in that dept! I need to download more songs and I need to fill out some music stuff for our DJ for our AHR!
  12. Amy- my diet AND exercise has been suffering this week! Ugh i totes suck!!!!! I am a sales rep for an insurance company. I sell employee benefits. I have to travel for my job...for the past month I have been refusing to work late and honestly I don't really care lol!
  13. good luck to some of my FAVORITE B2Bs!!!!!
  14. I can understand both sides of the arguement as well. My thought is that it is your wedding and you should do exactly what YOU want to do. The thing about a destination wedding, is there really are no hard and fast rules like in a traditional wedding. I don't think there is anything wrong with an evite or an informal newsletter. I would probably opt for the evite personally. It sounds pretty easy to track and since we live in the age of computers I think this method is becoming more and more acceptable....
  15. Amy- I can understand why you feel that way! I would feel the exact same way if I had lost my dad! I am torn on what I want to do as well. I am extremely attached to my last name because EVERYONE calls me by it!
  16. Adrienne- I did something SO easy! I bought little white sand pails that are votive holders, white coconut votive candles and tied raffia around them in a bow, i put a pink seahorse, and blue fish on either side (my colors) and I will be scattering silk orchids along the table. SUPER easy. I will post pics when I get home from work! We will scatter some hot pink silk rose petals on the tables for a pop of color as well. This was very cheap. I got the candles from the yankee candle votive sale 20 @ $1= $20 stickers= $7 Raffia= $1 pails (2 per pack at $1)= $10 hot pink silk rose petals= $3 Total= $41
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