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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. Christine- couldn't agree more! Lets move on with the Danielle thing..it just so super annoying at this point!
  2. aww Thanks Tammy! Love you lots and have been loving your blog lately!
  3. I would have LOVED to have my AHR in the backyard! My mom has a huge backyard that would be perfect, but I realyl didn't want the stress of figuring out a catering company, ordering the tent and allt he suppies, PLUS everything else you would need. I think its a great idea if you have the time, effort, and energy that it would require!
  4. We are doing a traditional reception just like any other wedding reception. It will be like the guests just didn't attend the ceremony. Full buffet dinner, open bar, dj, dancing, cake cutting...the whole 9 yards really. It will be at a country club in my hometown. I will wear my wedding dress I absolutely love it so why not wear it again, plus most of these people obviously aren't going to Mexico and everyone always wants to see the bride in her dress. AHR=at home reception. If you need any help or have more questions about it let me know!
  5. JRB- if i remember correctly you have to have a certain number of people to get the dj and private dinner but i could be wrong. I haven't paid much attention to that since I've known from the start I didnt' want to do it. Sorry!
  6. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your dress! I cannot wait to seee what it looks like on you!
  7. I will be having a cocktail hour with the mariachi band then dinner at chilis then we will all go out together! Good enough for me since we are having a 200 guest AHR 2 weeks after we return!
  8. dislike watching the news?
  9. Great review! Thanks for taking the time to share! You are absolutely stunning! Congrats!
  10. You should just skim...there really is a lot of good information and as you skim through you will find all kinds if great information. Its really worth taking the time because all of us b2bs and past b2bs took a lot of time to compile the information. I will have 20 guests.
  11. English guy- welcome to the thread! Please read all the pages when you have time. You will find all the answers to your questions there!
  12. I put a guest limit on my AHR invites and people STILL didn't listen and proceed to bring up to 4 uninvited guests!!!!!!! This is a traditional, plated dinner AHR! So ridiculous! I don't understand people!
  13. dislike dancing with the stars?
  14. Kat- I am so facking jealous that you and Jess get to hang out! If you don't mind me asking...approx how much per package of martha stickers? I am trying to decide if i should buy them at the craft store or ebay.
  15. The interview SEEMED to go very well. It felt more like a conversation. I am 100% qualified and I think I made a good impression, my only concern is what the other candidates experience is like. Its going to be a bit of a drawn out process though since they still have 2 people that they need to interivew and if i make it to the next step I will have to do personality profile testing, then an additional interview, etc. I was hoping for a much faster process of course lol! I will keep you girls posted, but keep your fingers crossed for me! I really want this one!
  16. Kathy- I am totally going to have to borrow that idea for my AHR!
  17. I did start it. I am still working on it though! My goal is to have it posted next Monday before we leave!
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