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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. FMIL : Sucks! (not coming to our wedding)
  2. I won't! I am having disasters left and right...i got my hair done yesterday...its like platinum bleached blond! I FACKING hate it! Now she wants me to come back in at 8am Monday morning, mind you, I have to be at the courthouse at 10am for my legal day, then we leave Tuesday. I am beyond pissed and stressed out! I hate my hair! My hair is like my crowning glory and now it is all facked up! I refuse to look back at my pictures and hate it because of this!
  3. I think they turned out great! The envelopes for my invites were nothing to write home about either... I just figured they go in the trash so who cares lol!
  4. Awh Diane, that's cute that your FI is getting so excited! S is really excited too! I cannot WAIT to leave!
  5. Dianep- Its my last day toooo!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  6. never tried it...tried it on my legs and it was freakin terrible so I can only imagine....
  7. I'm kicking myself now for not getting a bikini wax, but I think i would have nearly died from the pain!
  8. I leave on Tuesday. I need to get my hair done (today), opi axxiumm mani (saturday), legal day (monday), pedicure (monday), finish packing, attach programs to raffia fans...that's about it!
  9. V- I would keep your eye on the prices as you get closer. I think that is very similar to what we are paying, but ours may be just slightly lower. If the prices drop, for ex. on orbitz, etc. they should be able to adjust/match the rate for you.
  10. I will be selling my TTD after I use it. From what I understand it comes out in pretty good condition. It is a size 8p. If you are interested please let me know. I would be able to ship it to you on May 21st if so.
  11. Ahhh! I hope Amy is having a fabulous time! Her big day is in 2 days! I wonder if she is nervous!?!?!?
  12. I liked Caroline at first but now I cannot stand her. She seriously needs to get a life.
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