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Everything posted by *Linds*

  1. I love the personalized converse shoes! Even though my wedding is over I may order a pair that say "Mrs Bush" just for fun! They are super cute!
  2. Everything looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing! You were a beautiful bride! Congrats!
  3. The parasol came from etsy. The seller is Michelle's this and that. She can do all kinds of different things on the parasol!
  4. I am promising my reviews and planning thread by memorial day! I've just been swamped since we've been home. My house is a complete trainwreck. The "just married" was painted on the parasol. I bought it off etsy. Let me know if you want the sellers information. Thanks for the love girls! I want more pictures NOW! haha I am repainting our master bedroom to better coordinate with the wedding pcitures that I will be putting up. Crazy- I know!
  5. Di- Don't be nervous! You are totally prepared! It's seriously going to be amazing!!!!!
  6. You were a beautiful bride! Thanks for the review! The ceremony looked magical! Congrats!
  7. Di- what resort is the DW at in Cozumel? S and I are thinking about going there and then going back to Maroma beach to use our free voucher but cannot find a good resort in Cozumel.
  8. ok I'm a complete postwhore right now but I changed my settings on FB so you should be able to find me now!
  9. for those of you who haven't seen my photog's website is Austin Warnock Photography and there are some pics posted there
  10. Lisa- If you can't find me let me know. I'll add you. I think I may be unsearchable. I set my privacy settings to whatever the highest ones are.
  11. MRS- Bachatabride (Manders) B2B- Paige2010
  12. Jannae- I wish I had some great advice for you, but try to remember that you can only control what you can control and everything happens for a reason. You can still focus on the wedding planning and working out because you can control those things, but you cannot control the types of places you find to live etc. All you can do is look and hope something falls into place, other than that you should put too much stress on yourself about the things that you truly cannot do anything about. You guys will be okay, just try to stay strong and positive and remember you are almost a month away from the best day of your life! We are all here to help in ANY way we can so let us know what we can do!
  13. Jannea- I am going to read about your move now. I sent you a PM about the riu blog with all of the flower options..., I'm adding you on FB. Don't stress about not hearing from the RIU. Honestly everything you discuss via email can be planned during your meeting! They are SUPER busy right now. I can't get them to respond to me about my missing chair bows and they didnt' answer my questions that I had sent 2 weeks bfore the wedding. Honestly it was no big deal at all. We just nailed everything down during the meeting and they walk you right through every little detail. Just go prepared and organized with a list of everything you want!
  14. reggae sumfest : bob marley
  15. Amy- I feel like a fat cow bottom line. GROSS! I need to get my arse to the gym. The goal is to start back up again today. UGH!!!!!!!!
  16. Adrienne- the invites seriously look amazing! I think you should use the blue envelopes! I love the color and its always exciting to get something pretty and colorful in your mailbox
  17. Adrienne- they look AMAZING! I vote for the blue envelope! I love the color! Thanks for sharing
  18. Di- everything looks amazing! I am in love with the lumanaires! They are awesome! You will be a beautiful bride! I hope you have the most amazing day and I cannot wait to hear about it when you get back!!!
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