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Everything posted by bahiabride2010

  1. We finally ordered my FI's wedding band...it's offical we could get married! We also got our documents translated through the dominican consulate and sent them off to our WC in Punta Cana! Still have to pack the OOT bags! I'm having an assembly party this weekend with my BM's! Hope everyone's planning is going well!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ShawanaK So Bahiabride2010 your getting married at the same resort. Are you getting married in the gazebo or on the beach? We are going with the Gazebo and having a legal ceremony. I was wondering if you were having the private reception for the supper or if you are just doing the general supper that came with the wedding package. I cant decide what to do!! Hey There...we booked the Gazebo as well...just looked a lot more private and I think it's so gorgeous! We've booked a private reception at the Garden Grill Restaurant. Since we were having 40 people we thought it would be nice to have the place to ourselves. Considering the costs savings we thought we could spluge and do the private reception. We are doing an IPOD for the music though. Good luck and see you around the forum!
  3. I did the gluing this weekend and will test it this weekend. I used Wellbond glue and think it did the trick. I'll be able to tell better once I try with sand! Here's a pic of the frame:
  4. A good friend of ours designed our logo and invitations for us. He has his own company...it's called Paper Heart Soul PaperHeartSoul Check him out!
  5. Thanks ladies...it was weird being out with no makeup! I had so many compliments yesterday on how well the makeup stayed on throughout the day! Here's hoping it will last in the Dominican Heat! I highly recommend this to those that have a special event upcoming...what a wonderful way to treat yourself and look fabulous too!
  6. We all know that part of a destination wedding that is a bit of a drag is that not everyone we love can be there. I wanted to share a few pictures of my special visit with my Nana last week. She's 92 and a half and isn't able to travel with us down south...so I brought my dress (before fittings), earrings and headband to show her. It was a very special evening and I know she loved seeing my dress. My favourite part was when I asked her if my FI would like it and she said "oh my god...of course!" Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I wanted to share...especially considering it's Mother's Day!
  7. So I had my bridal shower yesterday and booked an appointment at the Bay Department Store to have my makeup done before. I bought the eye-shadows I'll be using on the day of, the primer and also the foundation. We're doing our own makeup and I've taken advantage of free makeup consultations at Sephora and the Bay so far...think I'll go for one more at Sephora the day of my last shower...hmmm maybe for my bachelourette night too! The eye-shadows I bought were: Highlighter - Nylon All over shade - Naked Lunch Half the Lid and Crease - Satin Toupe Just the Outside Corner - Mulch The foundation is: Studio Tech NC 30 The primer I got is the Smashbox Bronzing Primer from Shoppers Drug Mart - looks super dark in the bottle but blends amazingly well! I'm definitely using Urban Decay's Eyeshadow primer potion as well on the big day! I'm in love with that stuff! Here's a before makeup picture and an after: Before heading into the BAY (no makeup) After Make-up and ready for our Jack and Jill Shower
  8. Here are the readings that I've collected and a picture of the frame...I just glued it today and it came out great! I ordered it online through this website...I know the umbra frame is hard to find. Looks like they just have the metal one now...still very nice! Urbane Online Store-StoreFront Product Detail Page Sand Ceremony #1 "Before the two of you met, your lives were on separate roads ... each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But somewhere along the way (through some twist of fate) you did meet, and you fell in love. Today, you find yourselves standing here together at the threshold of a new path, and have promised to forever join your once separate journeys into one. Before each of you there is a container of sand. Each container represents the separate journeys you once were on. They also represent your own sets of friends and families, that until today were apart from each other. I now ask that you blend these individual containers of sand together. As the sand has blended together, your lives too are joined. Your once solitary journeys have become one of companionship, as you now set forth on a single path together into your future. Your friends and family are as one as well. You will now share those who are a part of your lives as you walk hand-in-hand Sand Ceremony #2 As you stand beside the ocean, may your love always be as constant as the tide; waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as water is the eternal force of life, so is love. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. You have just sealed your relationship by giving and receiving of rings. But although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other. Keep your commitment primary. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. Grow sometimes together, sometimes separately. To symbolize this union and the importance of the individuals within the marriage, two separate colours of sand will be combined. Each one holds its own unique beauty, strength, and character. They can stand on their own and be whole, without need of anything else. However when these two are blended together they create and entirely new and extraordinarily more intricate entity. Each grain of sand brings to the mixture a lasting beauty that forever enriches the combination. Please pour the sand into this common container to symbolize the union of your two lives. (Begin pouring sand) Sarah and Michael, just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual container, so will your marriage be a molding of two individual personalities, bonded together forming one heart, one life, and one family. Sand Ceremony #3 Now we shall celebrate this union as it is symbolized through the pouring of two individual containers of sand. One represents (Bride/Groom) and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be. The other represents (Groom/Bride) and all that you were and all that you are, and all that you will ever be. As the two vials of sand are poured into the third keepsake vase, the individual containers of sand ceased exist as they are now joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual vases, so will the love and bond between the two of you render you inseparable. Sand Ceremony #4 Before you met, your lives were on different paths with different destinations. Love has brought you together and joined these separate paths into one. The sand in these jars symbolize your separate lives, separate families, separate sets of friends, and the different life journeys you once traveled. I ask that each of you take one of the jars and that you fill the center jar together. ~The couple steps forward and takes their individual jars and fills the center jar.~ With the mixing of these grains of sand you have now symbolically joined your once separate lives. As your two lives have been inseparably combined, so now are your friends and family joined, through you into one. And your once solitary life’s paths are also now one. All that was once separate is now shared and in this sharing you both will find great comfort.
  9. Awesome girl! You must be so pumped! Good luck and congrats!
  10. Gorgeous! Wasn't it a fabulous experience? I want to do another one...I recieved my book this week...have it hidden away! I'm decided to print one photo and cut it into puzzle pieces and leave one a day for the week before we leave then the first night in Punta Cana I'll give him the book!
  11. WOW! Amazing! You've put so much of yourself into your day and all the planning I'm sure it will be magical! Thanks for doing so much sharing on the site...if it's your wedding day soon then it means our is coming too! Good luck and congrats!
  12. Welcome...we're getting married at the same place! Our wedding is coming up really soon...less then 60 days! Good luck with your planning and I'm sure you'll find everything you need and more here on the site!
  13. Yesterday, my FI were treated to a wonderful tropical Jack and Jill shower at some good friends of ours! Here are some pictures! We had a ton of fun and came home with the complete set of Jamie Oliver T Fal cookware! Can't wait to start cooking! My Wonderful MOH Did the groom get cold feet already? Me getting a tear after hearing my FI's response to what he loves about me! Me and My Best Girls Practicing for the big day This will be our sand ceremony and guest book frame picture
  14. Vanessa Hudgens: High School Musical
  15. Pictures look super Andrea! Thanks again for the bags and the books! CONGRATS and you really made a stunning bride!
  16. Very cool girl! Love these! This is still a to do on my to do list! Thanks for the inspiration!
  17. So I'm not sure about the whole plane thing but I'm going to pack them and see. Maybe I'll get through with them and maybe I won't...I'll plead ignorance if there are any issues...come on what am I going to do with 25 books of matches? Thanks for the compliments ladies...maybe I'll bring a few extra templates with me just in case
  18. These are amazing! I love the pink and black combo for colours! You're guests will love them! Must feel nice to have that big project complete!
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