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Everything posted by bahiabride2010

  1. Holly...what about you? I'm curious! My FI are going to stop trying to not get pregnant on our honeymoon which will be a few weeks after our wedding. We've been together for a lot of years and are ready (as we'll ever be)!
  2. Long weekend - it's my 30th birthday this weekend!
  3. Wicked girl! You totally rocked it! Love the pearls and your legs look fantastic! Wasn't it a confidence building experience? I want to do it again! I'm sure you're FI will freak out!
  4. Training with my trainer tonight! We've started a new phase and it's killer. Lots of weights and in between sets you have to do a resistance band hold...my arms feel like they are going to fall off! Step and Body Flow tomorrow!
  5. AMAZING GIRL! What a beautiful bride! Your dress looked amazing and fit you like a glove! CONGRATS!
  6. Wonderful review...so glad everything went well! It looks like everyone had an amazing time!
  7. Renee Zellwegar: Cinderella Man
  8. Like (only my Turkey one!) Sweet Potatos?
  9. Thanks Ladies! I'm so happy with how everything is turning out! About the labels, I left the label on and put the sticker over. Then I covered the tube up to the safety seal with clear packing tape to make them "waterproof".
  10. Here's my template that I used for my Wedding Survival Kits...I printed it on sticker paper and then centered on card stock. Next, I filled the bags and stapled the card to cover the ziploc! In them I included: - Chapstick - Sam's Club - Tissue - Dollar Store - Advil - bought large bottle at Sam's Club - Imodium - bought large bottle at Sam's Club - Lens Cleaning Clothes - Dollar Store - Toothpaste - free from my gym - Variety of Bandaids - Sam's Club - Lotion - free from my gym - Hand Sanitizer - Bath and Body Works Survival Kit Labels - doc.doc Ibuprofin Labels.doc Imodium Labels.doc
  11. Love them all...my favourites are the first and the last!
  12. Looks super! I would change the font and maybe change the purple dots to purple shells or flowers. Just an idea! Make sure to post your future attempts! Well done!
  13. Here are some pink and orange photos I've gathered recently and of projects I've completed. It's not all flowers and decoration but thought it might be helpful for inspiration! Delicious Looking Cakes: Chapstick I made: Thank You Notes for OOT Bags: Matchbooks I made: Cake Topper from ETSY: Shirts for me and the girls: OOT Bags and Mugs:
  14. We booked about a year in advance. We sent out invitations about 9 months before to give people lots of time to save.
  15. 2:4 (for you American ladies that's what we Canadians call a case of 24 beer and our long weekend coming up!)
  16. Bachelourette Party: 1970's (that's the theme for my upcoming party!)
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