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Everything posted by bahiabride2010

  1. Awesome girl...you must be so pumped! I love the frames that you made for your parents...may have to steal that idea! Great job and congrats!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JenB LAdies... after making the tags, do you just buy tags from office max or something and print them? I'm confused!!! I printed them on my colour printer at home on white cardstock paper. I cut them out by hand and will attach them to the ribbon down in the Dominican. Here's a few photos of what the tags look like! Pashmina Labels.pdf
  3. You're so welcome! It's been a blast planning the wedding! I've really enjoyed the site!
  4. Hey There...I didn't actually end up using the Hangover ones...but I've seen some girls use them on those cheap first aid kits from the dollar store. I ended up making wedding survival kits and put all the hangover items in there. So far I've used the logo in a few places: made thank you card through vista, made chapstick, made matchbooks, and notebooks for my FI and I.
  5. How many hair flowers do you have and what sizes? I'm interested but would like to know more...thanks!
  6. Here's what we did with our programs...we wrapped ribbon around the handles of OTC fans and then attached our program with a glue dot! I think they came out super!
  7. A lot of people have been asking me about where I got the bags and mugs...the contact was Sue at H2 Promotions....she was great to work with!! Here's her email: [email protected]
  8. Here's Sue's email at H2 Promotions....I got the bags and mugs through her and she was great to work with!! [email protected]
  9. Two Showers and heading up north to Collingwood for a night with my FI in a hotel and a Spa Day on Sunday!
  10. Great bags Rachel! They look awesome...for some reason the rest of your pictures aren't showing up for me. Here are some pics of my bouquets that just came in from Roberta at Plumerias Wedding Boutique! I love them!
  11. I've made two tanks using Rhinestone Iron On's from Michael's. I also had a white hoodie embroidered to say "Mrs Davidson Est 2010"! Can't wait to wear it!
  12. Definitely think everyone should have a fan! We're planning on putting them on the chairs for the ceremony. As for favours, were giving Pashminas at our reception to the ladies and Cigars to the guys.
  13. I just got the Smashbox Bronzing Primer and it's great. Give you a glow but then keeps your makeup great all day! Definitely check out Urban Decay's Eye Potion Primer...it's amazing! The girls at Sephora recommended the Makeup Forever HD foundation as well. I'll be using these products for my wedding!
  14. Wonderful thanks for sharing! Love your colour choice and a good tip about ordering dresses from online...colours can be so different can't they! Congrats and enjoy the married life!
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