Ok let me start by saying I love my FI's family 99% of the time... but there are things that they do that drive me BONKERS!
My family is from Eastern Canada, and my FI's Dad and family live in Montreal. When we began researching DW locations, we found a travel agent who could give us a fantastic deal on a package out of Toronto, Ontario. Since there are no direct flights from Halifax to Punta Cana in late June, we decided that it was the best option. For those that don't know Canada well, Toronto is THE main hub for domestic and international flights... but Montreal is a close second. So we decided to take the package from Toronto, since it was actually almost $400 less than a package leaving from Montreal. Noone in my family is complaining that it is leaving from Toronto (since it is really the only option), but my FI's family and ESPECIALLY his Dad complain that it is such a huge hassle to have to drive ALL THE WAY TO TORONTO. We are talking about a 6 hour drive here; my family (should they choose to drive to Toronto) will be looking at 18 hours. But noone seems to care, since the package is so cheap. FFIL keeps saying he hates the idea of Toronto, why didn't we do the package from Montreal, blah blah blah even after it is explained to him ad nauseam that it is MUCH cheaper. He has even gone so far as to say that even though he has put down his deposit on the trip, that he will change the name to some of his other family members (his brothers and sisters) and fly out of the nearest US hub, which is only 1 hour from his home. This seems to be pretty selfish and insulting to me, and its frustrating... I just want to shake him and say "Wake up!!! My family is driving 18 hours or taking a flight to Toronto without a complaint!!! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM" kind of thing! Obviously I won't, because it would be a huge disrespect, but its insinuating that I am only thinking of my family. My family is telling me not to worry about him (since he is kind of known for putting a negative spin on EVERYTHING), but its hard.
I just had to get this off of my chest, FI is tired of hearing about it from all sides, and I know it hurts his feelings (the way his Dad is acting).
<3 You ladies are the best