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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 Yeh I wish I didn't have to carry things like centerpieces down with me, thats the only thing I'm not looking forward to packing ceneterpeices, everything else will be ok to pack, plus I want alot of lighting at my reception so I have to figure out what I want to do and bring urghhhhhh !!!!!!!! Hey Toya, One thing I did to help with the suitcase situation is I asked one of my friends who has 2 little kids if she could pack them in the same suitcase and I used the extra for my centrepieces. Still sucks you have to bring them down, but at least you won't have to pay more to do it.... just a thought.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam You guys are worrying too much! Trust me, everyone will be doing their own thing, getting up when they want, eating when they want etc. I found it good in most ways because when I ran into people and they wanted to eat with us, they did, if not it's "I'll see ya later"... People enjoy doing their own thing and not having to worry about meeting times, etc. Some of my guests I only saw in passing or during the day and that was it.... it really isn't a big deal to them... think if the roles were reversed... you just want to enjoy/relax..... maybe have a drink! I forgot to say we did always make plans with my immediate friends, but any of my relatives/neighbours etc (including my parents), I never even had one meal with .. except the wedding! My sister just told me that she is going back to the resort for spring break in March.. I am so sad not to be going too.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 In my welcome packet it will have schedule of the excursions we plan to do, which will only be a few and we plan on having dinner with our guest a couple times and just hanging on the beach as well. We will send the schedule out before we leave in the travel/welcome packet. Very similar to what Erin did for her welcome packet. You guys are worrying too much! Trust me, everyone will be doing their own thing, getting up when they want, eating when they want etc. I found it good in most ways because when I ran into people and they wanted to eat with us, they did, if not it's "I'll see ya later"... People enjoy doing their own thing and not having to worry about meeting times, etc. Some of my guests I only saw in passing or during the day and that was it.... it really isn't a big deal to them... think if the roles were reversed... you just want to enjoy/relax..... maybe have a drink!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AlexsBride Those are super cute!! I just have a MOH and I think she would like this dress...I'm going to get her to check out the site and tell me what she thinks. I don't think there is a Forever21 in Canada...Do you still have the Large left? I think it would fold up small in a padded envelope and not be too expensive to mail, no more than a few bucks I would imagine. Also, Do you take Paypal? I think there's a Forever 21 at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto....
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jenne Does anyone know of anywhere you can get this video in Canada? I can't find it in any stores. Let me know if you find it anywhere in Canada.. I am going to start looking for it too..
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 OK so we just got back. OUR friends and families really loved the OOT bags! Things that were used: The bag itself (canvas with our theme).. perfect ...not one person brought a bag! And they came out really cute. (50% off on vista print too!) The cups (steins)... they were HUGE hits. People not in our party wanted mugs, we gave out a few extras! (factory 21-ebay) Nips- mini bottles of captain morgan's and malibu rum were put in each cup. Beach Kits- gel san,mini chocolates,gum, scentsy tins, SPF, tylenol, immodium, tums, band-aids. I think people looked at the welcome letters and really liked them, but that was the extent. Things people did not use: Mini beach balls which was an added thing we had leftovers from our almost married reception. Deck of cards- never saw anyone playing with them. Pashmina's- not one girl wore hers. Postcards as our guest book.. Im pretty sure we wont get one of them back! I feel like Im leaving out a few things. But all in all. I think all you really need is a fun "beach kit", a beach bag, and the cups/steins to make a perfect OOT bag! Guests really love them. I found almost everyone brought their beach bags, almost no one brought their travel mugs (which sucks b/c I paid a lot of money for them), some used their pool floaties, most liked the hangover kits (immodium, advil, gatorade, gum, etc), no one brought their beach towels either. We also included photoalbums for when everyone was back home, so hopefully they get used.. Hmmmm, kinda sounds like my group sucked for bringing their gifts down, but there are so many weight restictions for travelling now ... oh well.
  7. Hey Misty and Toya!!! Are you snowed in? I heard there's lots of areas that have no power so I guess maybe you won't be able to read this... just keep thinking in a few more months you will be in sunny, hot Punta Cana!!
  8. I found you!!! Make sure you look under the Buy/sell section... you will find sooo many things you'll need or hadn't thought of... so excited for you guys... TTYS!
  9. THere are tons of places!! Try the Danforth.. there are lots of shops there such as Beckers 387 Danforth, one another block west of there owned by them called The Dressroom 269 Danforth, I know there are others right accross the street too, but can't remember the name. One of my BM got her dress from there off the rack for $30, regular $200!! OUr lunch cost more than her dress. Also, there's another place at Broadview south of Danforth called the Bride's project where all the dresses are donated (new or used) from the public and bridal salons and all the proceeds go to women's cancer research... The Brides' Project - Fighting cancer, one dress at a time. They sell shoes, accessories etc as well. It is tricky to find though. It's in a house and not well marked. Another area is on Orfus RD (where there are also lots of outlet stores like NIne west). There is a huge place called Windsor bridal (apparently Canada's largest bridal store)... I found my dress there and actually bought it from somewhere else because I found they also had the largest attitude as well! There are at least 3 other bridal stores I went into too, but I have no idea of the names. You could also check down around Spadina in the Fashion District. I know of one other store in Markham called Superior Bridal, my co-worker's FSIL just bought her dress from there .. as well their website is pretty good for dress ideas at least. HOpe this helps....
  10. HEy Nat, Are you having people come to your legal ceremony? What kind of AHR are you guys having? We need to start planning ours, and my DH wants a BBQ, but I want something more formal.. not reception, but cocktail/hor's deuvres classy, but not too much.. make sense And we really don't want to spend too much money...
  11. I sent you a PM back. I got them about 4 weeks ago. I think they were $70+tax. They come in black, pink and white?? can't remember now. I know they're still in the stores though!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jennifer769405 Thanks for sharing your list...I am just beginning to think about this and I may have to borrow some of your songs! Thanks! We really tried to come up with songs everyone would like. Try googling wedding reception songs and tons of stuff will come up.. also I went on youtube a lot too to get different ideas.. they have a lot of father/daughter songs and good ideas for first dance songs too where it starts off slow and switches into fast/funny songs.... I thought it was cute but my Dad couldn't do it as he needs a double knee replacement and my now DH is not the greatest dancer!!
  13. Thanks! it took forever to come up with it and then download all the songs, but thankfully it was the DH's job, not mine ... for a change!
  14. the preferred club offers a "sectioned off" area for those members only, but we were in it all the time... you also get yellow towels instead of blue and upgraded toiletries (sp?)... you will be in building 6 which is closer to the beach, but farther from the buffet and lobby. I think that's about all the extras you get ... no wait, you also get better snacks too... There are palapas everywhere, even by the pool... they are not just in that section...
  15. I just gave everyone an idea of what costs we were looking at and sent out STDs. I tried to give as much warning as possible too. If you at least have an idea regarding price, then people can still budget/save and when you need to pay, it's not going to be a shocker!!jf
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by cogswellgray aww Nat I'd be soo upset in my best friend wasnt able to come, im sorry :-( Tam, where did u see the other pics? I only found a few of her and her hubby on the Dreams Punta Cana Brides FB. Im so nosy i just wanna see all the pics! hahaha! I'm curious to see the beach reception set up as well. I have a few questions Katie... Did they move the reception to a different spot on the beach? Where did ur guests go while they did that? Where you able to pick out anywhere you wanted to get married on the beach, or are there designated spots? oooh and while i was effing around on FB i found a BDW page! So u guys should add it ;-) Im soo anxious to see the huppah as well! It seems like there are NO pics of Dreams PC brides using it! I was at the resort when she got married. I just didn't know it was Katie, but I watched the ceremony just before my crab won it's race!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 yeah its true... on that note, I had my best friend tell me there was no way she could afford it still, since she had a wage change and new bills.... I'm sad about that! But she is losing $150 + the cost of her bm dress.... yikes Nat, That totally sucks ass about your BF! She can't put a bit of money aside?? Especially since she's going to lose her deposit and dress?? At least she can be a part of your AHR though. :S
  18. Katie, I did see your wedding... I just looked at the FB pics!! We did our TTD session that afternoon.. You looked awesome! and I liked your BM dresses.. good idea with the sunglasses. You also totally lucked out with the beach not being windy that day... everyday before that was brutal... that's why we ended up at the gazebo..
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Adrian'sMommy Hi Ladies!! We just got back last night from 2 weeks at DPC...our wedding was on the 22nd. We did the beach ceremony as well as our reception on the beach. Everything was FANTASTIC! Our WC was Sharron and when we got there on the Sunday we saw her Monday morning everything was organized in an hour. We had fantastic weather and all our guests had a blast. The only thing I would sugjest if you have children with you is to have their main entree come out at the same time as the apetizer. The beach ceremony was done by Sharron and she did tell us in advance that the judge deals with all of Punta Cana weddings so he may not be there in time. He came at 630pm and we signed all our paperwork then. The ceremony was to start at 5pm but the wedding before us went late so it was at 530pm...which was fine because it was so hot with the high sun. The beach reception set up was BEAUTIFUL!! Everything that I dreamed of. Dinner went a little long so we didn't do lots of dancing..no big deal to us..we all went to the disco afterwards. All the bridesmaids hair was just what I wanted for them and I loved my hair and makeup also. I had a trial run with the hairstylist the night before and it put me at ease. They spay your hair tons so don't worry about the heat getting to it:) Tam I did see your siter at the disco on the Wednesday night. My MOH saw her also and they talked for a bit. I saw your pics, they turned out awesome:) I am going to post some photos on Dreams FB...anything you want to know just ask:) Katie I saw you get married I think! Did your BM's wear black and white dresses? One of my BM and I were standing off to the side on the beach drinking and then thought we might be in the background pics so we moved... I kept asking the brides I saw if they are on the forum but all of them said no. We saw the setup on the beach too!! My sister said she saw you guys and was going to point you out, but we never saw you again and we left on the 23 (early). I didn't end up seeing Jocy either! that I know of anyway.... You were smart to stay the extra week... I wish we had... there's just no downtime when all you guests are there. I met Sharron while I was there too... I ended up leaving my TTD dress there (purposely) and spoke to her about it. Can't wait to see your pics!
  20. I see your dilemma, my DH says he likes the second one, I like both too... sorry, not much help!
  21. Hi Nicole, Tara's % is about what we had too, Don't be worried about numbers until people start putting their deposits down... I found in the beginning that everyone said yes to coming and then once it's time to put money down, people back out... not that there's anything wrong with that! Just my experience...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by cogswellgray OMG! OUR THREAD IS SO QUIET LADIES!!! I FOUND US ON THE....WAIT FOR IT....2ND PAGE!! hahahahaha! Hope everyone is well! Happy planning! I'm finally booking my stay! So excited! Its starting to feel REAL now! I know what you mean, I was on here last night and saw that too!! I think that's the lowest we've been!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by bnbrmy I've decided to do real touch flowers as well. Do they have a website? If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay? I've found somw people that do good work and the cheapest I found for what I want is a little over three hundred. Price will depend on what you order, but I paid around $300 Cnd and that included shipping. I ordered my bouquet, 7 bouts, 3 corsages, 2 flower balls (for flower girs), and 1 jr. bridemaids bouquet. I do remember my bouquet was $85 and I got all hot pink lillies. their website is Home - Real Touch flowers, or you can click on the link I posted in my original post. I don't think their website does their work justice though.... For my bouquet, I actually sent them pics of what I wanted and did it that way.
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