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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Tam I don't hasve MUCH about the centrepieces, I have a picture or two from the email she sent me! I am planning to "make my own", since it is probably cheaper... I have a pic at home that I am modeling my centrepieces after, and giving it to Deyanira to set up... we are just doing the disco thing too, its not cheap it makes sense!! You don't have enough for the free room? What happened, dropouts? Kinda dropouts, yeah. Some people didn't get their booking in on time for the deposit to qualify for the group rate, some just weren't sure if they can go yet, etc. So, we didn't end up getting a room for free. Also, to help my parents out I offered to pay for them too thinking we would be going for free so I had to keep my promise for that too!! So much money spent today....
  2. Ok, I understand that there's been family stuff going on, but I haven't heard anything again since last week... sent a hotmail message which can be accessed from a BB to make contact easier, sent two more messages with no response... still waiting patiently or not so patiently now....
  3. Ok, one last thing from me... I am going to go to Michael`s this weekend and inquire about their real touch flowers and prices.... also sent Deyanira an email this aft. about centerpieces... Do you have anything on this Toya or Erin or Nat
  4. AAHHhhh.. I took up this whole page!! WTF.. I should have my status as chatty I guess..
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Adrian'sMommy Tam that is such a fun idea!! How are you coming along with all the planning? Do you know what your centrepieces will be yet? I am stuck because I am worried about transporting everything without breakage. Another thought is to have fiberglass or plastic centerpieces but not sure if they would lookd cheap.. maybe Ikea would have something like that..
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk toya.. thanks for letting us know, i had no idea her pics were up! tara, it wasn't my original idea either, so no worries there. we're actually using a large wall map that we're going to get framed when we get home. adrian'smommy.. the reception lasts 3 hours, but i believe you can pay a fee to have it last longer. or just take everyone to the disco afterwards! Erin, where are you getting the map of DR from?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Adrian'sMommy Hi Ladies! Do any of you know how long the reception is? We have our ceremony at 5pm and we decided on a beach reception. I am so excited. The receptions last for 3hours, but for an additional $10/person/hour you can extend it.. I think we are just going to have the 3 hours and then go to the disco.. so much keeps adding up, it's freakin me out a bit... I thought destination weddings were supposed to be cheap!! Have you thought about a DJ? or a photographer?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Adrian'sMommy Tam that is such a fun idea!! How are you coming along with all the planning? Do you know what your centrepieces will be yet? I am stuck because I am worried about transporting everything without breakage. I am going kinda crazy right now. I am trying to figure out a flower shop with in Ont or even Can. to use, but so far not much luck. I bought some bouquets from another member, paid for them, but have yet to receive them or really hear from her so not sure what's up with that. I am worried too about shipping/weight constraints for flying... like i was thinking of buying flowers for centrepieces and putting them together myself (or with help). I was at dollarama last night and saw square glass vases to use but they are pretty heavy... I don't know... I have to email Deyanira and ask her what kind of vases or centrepieces they offer there... my problem is too, that there are soooo many ideas to choose from, that I can't decide.. Then, I am still trying to figure out about a legal or civil ceremony.. financially it would make way more sense to do it here before or after, but then I still feel like we are lying to people...to add to all that, if it's going to be civil, then I need to really get on doing all the paperwork for it... I am getting overwhelmed when I think of all this stuff.. that and my trip payment is due this afternoon and we are not getting a free room like we thought, so there's another $3600 to add to our bill. OMG, this is long... sorry about that.. guess I needed to vent How is it going for you?
  9. oops! I meant that last comment to Billisa, not justustwo...
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Im sorry to hear about your mugs, but I think they look great. I think more of your guests will probably use them after the wedding in day to day use BECAUSE the logo is smaller. I know I dont use the mug I got from my girlfriends wedding bc it was such a huge logo and picture...it was kinda weird for me to walk around with my girlfriends wedding date on my travel mug. Everyone always asked me if that was from my wedding. So I prefer the small logo. Dont fret! They look great still. I agree with you Jenny about the size of the logo. We will be ordering from discount mugs too and are just getting something along the lines of the date & place because we figured not too many people would want to have a travel mug after the wedding advertising my FI and I. I understand your disappointment with the colour, but don't worry too much Justustwo, the mugs still look really cute. ... and none of your guests will know any different either.
  11. Thanks Joanna, Do you know how to get the map of Mexico off and put on a map of Dominican?
  12. Are you guys doing placecards for each person or table? Also, are you doing a seating plan? I really hadn't given that any thought.....
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Ok, stupid question - what is a whiteboard guestbook? Erin I like the idea of the Dominican Republic map, you could put that in a scrapbook of your wedding as well, which would be nice!! whiteboard guestbooks are when you have a small whiteboard for people to write messages to you and your FI after the wedding.Then they take a picture of themselves with their message and you put it in an album. I imagine it can get pretty fun especially after people have had a couple of drinks....
  14. I was wondering the dress sizes too...
  15. We are going to do the whiteboard guest books as well .... should be interesting as I have some real characters coming...
  16. I would probably take off the top flower, but leave the one on the bottom... I love it!
  17. Lara, did you get my message from the other day??
  18. I bought some off another BDW bride, but my problem is I paid for them over a month ago, have yet to receive them and have had limited contact with this person so it is starting to wear on me a bit. I am trying to find somewhat of a local florist (at least in Ont or Can.) but seem to keep getting good recommendations for US companies... Have you looked into any florists here?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 Hey Tam - any luckwith the bouquet ? Not yet... I have sent two messages again with no luck... I get the communication problems but come on, a library or coffee shop/cafe would provide computer access. Now I am starting to worry a bit again...
  20. Erin, Love that bouquet, where are you having it made?
  21. If anyone has any leftover daily spanish for dummies books I need about 16 of them... I know it seems everyone wants them!! Any unused ones I will re-post, I promise.:gotany:
  22. OMG!! WHat was their problem?? Obviously there's something going on with them... why would they do that to you! I would probably explain to the GM what happened (which I'm sure they know) and just say that you guys decided to now have just one of each stand with you, but you still want them to be a part of your day... maybe give a poem/reading to say, MC or something?? And remember, they are guys they shrug everything off (unlike us girls). Did they even try to contact you since? Anybody who's going to believe soley what they say isn't a real friend of yours either. Be strong, hold your head high, you are better than that behaviour. Keep us updated.
  23. krazeekitty, I am with you on the not being so organized with stuff... probably because I am always on here rather than actually putting all my ideas into action. I pretty much need all the same things as you.. just finally getting my booking done this fri too... I know I've probably asked this a million times already, but are you guys having a civil or symbolic ceremony?? Still trying to decide, but I really need to move on it..
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