Save on Crafts, Wedding Supplies, Flowers, Tulle, Lights, Decorations & Discount Craft Supplies Save-on-crafts also sells the glasses, but they are clear.
They look great, fun idea for a shower centerpiece, too. Good luck.
From others that I have seen, how about one page about groom, one page about bride and then one page as a couple. Including personal tidbits and baby photos for individual page and then engagment pic for couple's one. I am attempting to do the passport invites for the AHR. Have you found any passort looking paper for the inside? or are you using just solid?
Quote: Originally Posted by lesandlynda Hi Sue - what a good friend you are to have - "many hands lighten the load!" all the best with your planning and execution.....enjoy the journey! Actually I am the Mother of the Groom, and am so greatfull they are allowing me to be so much involved. Having a great time, w/o the all the stress.
Very quick and easy project, Hobby Lobby sells suitcase w/ map-travel decor. Or get just a plain colored one and cover w/ post cards from you trip. Just need to cut hole opening.
How to make a vintage suitcase wedding card box |
Jane and John Doe are happy to announce their marriage that took place in a private ceremony on June 8, 2009 in Aruba. Please join them for a reception to celebrate their union Saturday August 8, 2009 etc etc
or Mr. & Mrs. Smith have the honour of anouncing the marriage of their daughter Jane Marie to John David on Sat, etc etc, The couple was joined in marriage in a private ceremony in ?. Please join them for a wedding celebration on Staurday etc etc
or a catchy one -- We slipped a ring on each other's finger and made a promise for life. Join as we celebrate now that we are husband and wife.
You get the idea -- kinda long but maybe you can piece some together
If using medium/thin paper can you print back to back on one sheet, even when using pictures? Which is better using a real photo, getting like a scrapbook effect or copying/printing the picture? Still in planning stages, if you can't guess. Sue
Not the bride, just helping them plan. Wedding in the fall of 2009 in the D.R., and reception back home early 2010. Looks like this is the place to get all kinds of helpful hints and ideas.