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Everything posted by Sue

  1. Thanks for the feed back on cup decision, you may have just convinced me! Now just need to see if we should do bottle koozies as well. Never been to an AI and neither have most of the guests. Would rather learn ahead time from you all pros, instead of the woulda, shoulds, coulda. Thanks again! Sue
  2. Great idea, I just posted on another thread about doing a video welcome greeting for the OOT bag, rather than a letter.
  3. Anybody do a recorded audio/ video DVD of themselves welcoming your guests? Most hotel rooms have dvd players. I have read about it, but don't know anyone who has tried it,but not sure about the pros and cons. Sounds very personal and cute, tho.
  4. You may not have a date or place, but a head start on the research, is a great way to start out. Good luck and happy planning!
  5. Sue

    Hello :-)

    Welcome and congrats.
  6. Sue

    "Older" Cabo Bride

    Welcome and good luck
  7. Well you came to good place, but beware there are soooo many good ideas, it's gets a bit overwelming.
  8. Welcome, it takes a bit to get the hang of this, but just keep reading, it's worth it.
  9. Sue

    I'm Engaged!

    Welcome and enjoy all the new ideas.
  10. Sue

    New from TN

    Welcome and congrats!
  11. Debating on the mugs- will take up alot of space - do the guests truly carry these around with them all day?? Just another thing to hang onto?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KelZavs20 i love the idea of taking pictures holding numbers! i have never heard of that before and i think im gonna have to borrow that idea! Thanks! we are also planning on having a projection screen at the AHR...actually it will play back the original ceremony from the DW, and just after we say "i do" the screen will begin to roll back up with us standing behind it as our entrance! wow - very clever -
  13. Check this website out Fruit Display - Fruit Centerpieces - Party Centerpieces. Should be easy to make on your own
  14. Been to a reception where they had one -it was a very big hit. Something different, in a good way!
  15. Sorry if this is somewhere else, could'nt find anything anywhere else. Has anyone taken their logo and had it made into a stamp? Wanting to do some embossing, unless their is any easier way?
  16. It's a good start, but before you toss anything out- maybe a picture up against the dresses would give a clearer vision.
  17. Wow - How lucky your guests are to have someone so thoughtful. Where did you find the small puzzle tablets?
  18. Both are cute - like someone already suggested dim the background on number one?
  19. very pretty - if you dont wont the bulky shell - you could always use a starfish or shell punch on the vellum and the bottom blue color will show through
  20. the tropical mix looks great - what color where the Groomsmens shirts?
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