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Everything posted by BahiaBride16

  1. We are doing personalized luggage tags as the favor and also doing OOT Bags, with a puzzle book, pen, tylenol, tums, mini first aid kit, hand sanitizer wipes, deck of cards, drink mug and snacks.
  2. Im also getting married on Oct 16, 2009! Its coming up so quick!! I'm so excited
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Ok so that was alot easier to find then I thought it would be. Blackberry, I love you. lol So here is what Karla wrote to me when I asked about the required documents. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Valid passports. In case the bride's name is not the same in her passport than in her birth certificate and she wants to get married with the same name of her birth certificate she should bring her birth certificate (original) apostilled by the government of her country and translated into Spanish by a Mexican official translator (stamped). Driver license will not be accepted by the official. If the bride is widowed or divorced is necessary to bring her birth certificate (original) apostilled by the government of her country and translated into Spanish by a Mexican official translator (stamped), according to Mexican Law the bride must be 12 months divorced before remarrying. If the groom is widowed or divorced no additional documents are required. Tourist Card. Clients get this card upon arrival at the airport in Mexico. Medical Documentation: Blood tests (Sexually Transmitted diseases - VDRL, HIV, Blood Type) and medical certification stating that all results were negative and patient is physically in good health. Blood tests have to be done here in Mexico, we have a clinic at the Resort - (approximate cost: 90.00 USD per person). Four witnesses: two for the bride and two for the groom with valid passport. The witnesses have to be older than 18 years. All witnesses must come in person to the appointment with the wedding coordinator with their valid passport and tourist card at least 4 labor days prior to the wedding date. Kind regards, Karla Rabadan So thats it. Sounds like our resort is pretty accomidating and doesn't require much fuss. Thumbs up to that. Awww so I wasted $120 for nothing...lol! Oh well guess it's better to have it just incase Thanks for the info girls!! 2 months to go! woohoo! Oh I also got some info from Karla, that if you don't want a DJ for your private reception patry after the dinner, you can bring your ipod full of your fav songs and they will hook it up to some speakers for you (for $20). So you can have your dances. I thought that would be a good peice of info if your on a budget like us!
  4. Hi Ladies, I was wondering if anyone knows the protocol for the Birth Certificates to get married legally at the resort, if your from Canada. I got our BC's translated to spanish and certified by the company with a seal. Do you think that is good enough? I just used our regular bc's, Im not sure what they mean by long form. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Here's the posting I did with the cake options... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...164#post894885 Thank you very much Keira
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by emme Your plans sound great!! Yes...I agree that Karla has been pretty good with replying to emails. I think everything will fall right into place once we get there. We have about 40-50 people coming (mostly out of Calgary)...doing the ceremony at 2:00 pm Thursday at the gazebo...(would have preferred 3 pm but they didn't have that time available)...dinner at Le Gourmet at 6:00 pm...and a poolside reception after that. We have hired DJ Bob as I have heard rave reviews about him. We just have to figure out how long we will need him to stay for. If people still want to party it up afterwards...everyone can head over to the Hacienda because the Fiesta night should be over by then. I'm not too sure about flowers and cake. Keira sent me the cake pictures so I have a pretty good idea of what they offer...but I don't know about flowers. Do you have any pictures? Lucky for you that you got the extra 1/2 day Who is your package with? Awww your plans sound awesome!! If I were you I wouldn't worry too much about your wedding being at 2, Ive heard so many stories about them running on "Island Time" so it will probably end up being around 3 anyways...lol!! Having a DJ is a good idea to get the dancing started!! And so we can have our first dance! Is DJ Bob the one that they offer throught the resort? I've also heard good things about him Also is the Hacienda the disco? Or something different? Lol...I have so many questions still! Sorry... I don't have any pictures of the flowers, I just picked my favorite flower and then asked Karla if I can get them for the wedding. So Im gonna take a picture of a bouquet I like with me, and hopefully they can copy it Can you post some pics of the different cakes, I am interestd to see what they look like Are you getting your hair and makeup done at the spa? Oh and our trip is through Nolitours/Air Transat and you?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by emme Congrats to you too!! Is that ever cool We originally picked October 16th as well because we were flying Sunday to Sunday...but then it was switched to Saturday to Saturday...so we bumped our wedding up a day to October 15th so nobody had to fly with a hangover Do you have most of your planning done? I would love to hear about your details!! We will definitely have to get together for a celebration drink!! Yeah our flight there got bumped too...flying Saturday to Sunday which is okay cause everyone gets an extra 1/2 day there I think I basically have all of the details planned! Our wedding planner is Karla. Is she yours as well? She's been fairly good at returning my emails and I think she's gonna do an awesome job on the wedding As far as the details we are having btw 25-30 ppl and doing the ceremony at 4:00 friday in the gazeboo, I added a baloon release to our ceremony so everyone can make a wish for us (which costs approx $60) and dinner at Portofino (Italian) Restaurant at 6:00. We are going to do a private cocktail reception afterwards for either one or two hours (I haven't decided yet) and possibly rent the DJ (but Im still deciding on that as well...lol). My flowers are going to be Stargazer lilies and I got the Unforgettable package. After the cocktail party everyone is gonna head to the disco and party the night away :) How are your plans coming? Id love to hear about them as well!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by emme I agree with the other girls...I think the 50 people minimum only applies to having a poolside dinner...and you can have as many / as little as you would like for a poolside reception. We didn't look at the dinner because we didn't want to pay a ton of extra money because we're there for the "all inclusive" deal anyways. We are having our dinner at Le Gourmet (fantastic food) and have just received confirmation that we can have a poolside reception after dinner... BUT...the pictures they sent me were for a poolside reception beside the jacuzzi tubs. I remember the area that this jacuzzi was in...and I don't remember it being very large...and I don't think there is really a place to dance. I have asked Karla if we could move this reception over to the (quiet) pool instead and I'm just waiting for a reply. Hi Emme, Congrats on your wedding! I'm getting married at the Coba on October 16th Getting SO excited!!
  9. Hi all, My name is Nicole, just been reading all the posts for the Gran Bahia Principe Coba!! I am scheduled to have my wedding there on October 16/2009!! Me and my FI are getting sooo excited, only 21/2 months to go...counting down! Cragrats to everyone else who is planing their wedding and to those of you who are giving us all the info we need <3
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