Quote: Originally Posted by slapsappyhappy that is a great idea to make the excel spreadsheet. I am happy to hearthat Moon Palace is safe. I am already getting complaints about the safety issue because people (including my FMIL) are already protesting about Mexico, saying we should go to the DR instead (like that is the safest place on earth, lol!) I wonder if they have pictures of each of the different decorations available or if everyone getting married now is still on the old packages.
I want DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS, lol. It is funny because I am such a planner that micromanages and needs to know NOW and this is the kind of thing you have to be patient and let them contact you when they get a chance...I downloaded the files with the bouquets, ceremony locations, and cakes but that is all old information so now I want the new information, lol! Meanwhile I am still stuck on firming a date and what colors to have, boy oh boy... My WC from Miami Janina sent me the bouquet pictures. If you can't download it just pm me.