Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk jocy... i believe the day pass is somewhere in the $70-$80 range and you can reserve them once you get there for whoever (photosouvenir, etc.) is coming. they just need to show an id to get in. i'm not sure how many people they bring, but i've heard they're very nice so maybe just shoot an email off to them?
latoya.. below is the link that explains posting pictures.. that's pretty easy. as far as documents go, i believe you go into the "advanced reply" part and then click on the paperclip in the top row of the formatting stuff and select the files. hope that works for you!! you have so many good things everyone wants to see!
also, forgot to tell you guys, but a couple that i know is at DPC right now and i told them to go nuts with pictures for me. once they get back and post everything i'll let you all know. i know i've looked at 43289408 pictures of the resort, but i love looking at new ones regardless! Thanks E, I will begin attaching links : )