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Everything posted by lrdavis23

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by JENISE ok....so now I guess I'm like some of the other brides here that got their deposit taken out of their account without so much as a notice. Luckily, I had money in there to cover the $500 because if not, there would be hell to pay! Did anyone ever get an explaination on why you didn't get a heads up? Considering that I confirmed my date last November, I thought for sure they would just wait til I got there to pay everything in full. Just a thought to those that have had the deposit taken out already...I'd def print out a copy of the statement and bring it with you in case they try to claim that they never charged it. Just a good idea to have everything in writing. Ok, I think that's all for my venting. Thanks ladies. I was charged my $100 deposit 6 months after my confirmation with no heads up, which I thought was ridiculous. and how can accounting still be back up for like a year lol........... I think thats just the excuse they give us.
  2. Thanks for sharing Melissa, Erin the pictures are gorgeous !
  3. Hey ladies, I feel like I miss soo much we I don't post for a couple days lol... welcome to the forum to all the new ladies ! How is everyone ? I have been super busy for the last 2 weeks and had finalized alot of my DIY things to print, and you guys will not believe what happen to me today, everything I saved and completed on my thumb drive got corupted and I lost everything I did, and now I have to start all over again. all my emails, guest list, invitations, programs, table cards, menu cards, inspirational picutures, everything. the only thing I was able to save was my pre travel packets and thats because I already printed those out and saved them on my work computer. so word of advice ladies save everything in 2 places lol...... other than that, my original update was going to be pics and post of everything I did lol... welllllllll guess I have to post that later. surprisingly I'm pretty calm I guess its because at least I know what I designed and I don't have to figure that part out again. sooo tonight I will be working my butt off getting everything back
  4. Hey Christi, they have pretty much most of the flowers you would want to request, if you send the WC a picture she can get a quote for you on how much that particular flower will cost. I am waiting on a quote for all all green orchid bouquet. also here is the link to the local florist in the DR that they use :: Floristeria el Tronco :: - servicios
  5. Erin what a great review we have been waiting for this one lol..... glad you had a wonderful time and congrats again.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by SomersSK Hi Ladies!! Well I have just spent the past two weeks reading this entire thread! I must say I'm completley addicted It's funny, I feel like I know you all so well lol I can't believe how many ideas I have gotten from all of you! I have just gotten my wedding date confirmed for Jan 12, 2011 @ 4pm, and I'm sooo excited Invites are in the mail, and people are starting to book!! Hi Sarah, congrats... and welcome !
  7. Welcome back Erin and congrats congrats on becoming a MRS....sooooo glad everything went well for you and you had a wonderful time. can't wait to hear your review.
  8. Congrats and welcome fellow DPC bride.............
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by elifrigo girls I'M A US CITIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!! Congrats Eliana whhoohoooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JENISE OMG! I almost forgot to share my awesome news with you beautiful ladies....... Me and my FI went and bought our wedding bands on Saturday. It's really like the gift and the curse because it was so fun and exciting and we both LOVE our bands BUT now I have to wait 4 months before I can actually wear it! Anyone else making stride? Busy bees I'm sure we are. Cristine, you've only got another month. YAH! and then Toya will be off before she knows it and then Nat and then Misty and then Me and then..........and so on and so on.....summer weddings, HERE WE COME! lol hahaaaa Jenise I know the feeling we got our e-rings, wedding bands all together and I've been wanting to wear my set ever since last Feb 09 lol.... and yes how exciting its started with us waiting for Tam's and Jocy's January weddings now Erin gets married tomorrow, then christine and like you said so on and so on before you know it all of us will be done with wedding planning lol......
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by elifrigo FINALLYYYY! I posted my invitations and boarding passes: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...1/#post1270162 Eliana, the boarding passes look great !
  12. Erin the planning thread was great I love all your ideas.... great great job only 1 week to go... : ) Thanks ladies for the dress compliments....I will be selling my first dress so if you know any petite brides let me know, I can send more pics. Its a Demetrios dress Demetriosbride.com - Wedding Dresses,and Special Occasion Dresses from Demetrios Bridal
  13. Erin love the planning thread everything looks great, soo excited for you only 1 week to go whooohoooo............................
  14. Tara your pics are gorgeous and absolutley beautiful. who was your photog again ? Thanks ladies, Im actually on a mission to gain at least 10 lbs in the next 6 weeks lol.. the seamstress told me to not lose any weight and to gain a couple pounds cause my dress is a size 0 and the corset can't be tied any tigheter lol.... I really am happy I went with my second choice dress i like it soo much better and its more comfortable, Im attaching the pic of my first dress that I bought last year.
  15. ok ladies heres a pic from the dress fitting , of course please excuse my hair and I have hardley any make up on lol....
  16. Tara I'm glad that overall your experience turned out ok and you were able to roll with the hiccups. We are requesting to be in the same building but out TA made it clear that this does not always go as planned so we are aware and ready for that. I would love to see pics plase send them to [email protected]
  17. Congrats Tara on becoming a Mrs. and Good luck and well wishes Elena on your upcoming big day. Ok now I gotta finish reading all the rest of the post so I can catch up and post my dress fitting pictures. Toya
  18. OMG I'm soo glad you posted this, I was in the same boat for months because my FI best man had to back out and then most of his friends were also to cheap to come to the wedding so I had BM's and no groomsmen. Then finally 2 of his other close friends decided to go so now we at least have a best man and a groomsmen. I have 5 sisters and they were all suppose to be my BM's but since he only has 2 for his side, I had to only pick 2 of my sisters and that suckeddd.......
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 I love your dress. It is beautiful!!! Can't wait to see a pic of you in it ) here is mine... I'm having the train made smaller though as it's too long for me i think... Ambrosia - by Maggie Sottero that is absolutly gorgeous and it will look great with those shoes you posted in the other thread.
  20. ok soo I'm excited that I can finally join this thread I bought a MS a couple weeks ago because I just was not feeling my first wedding dress which was a Demetrios so I's a 2 dress bride haha... any how heres the link to my dress, once i got for my 1st fitting tomorrow I will post pics. RD1044 - by Maggie Sottero when i tried this dress it only took me about 2 min to fall in love with I knew it exactly what I wanted
  21. One day I need to really sit down and organize everything I have done so far so when I put together my planning thread it will be easy. as soon as I put the finishing touches on my pre travel brochure I will upload the link, I will also upload my dress fitting pictures tomorrow whoohoooo
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 LOL Toya you sound like me! I always feel like I'm missing something when I make a list! Sooo thanks to the Michaels sale this weekend, I COMPLETELY changed my centrepieces! They had a mock-up on display, and I fell in love with it. The bowls were only $2.99, so thank goodness for that! My Mom offered to buy it because she just loved it so much, and I was being cheap since I already bought mine hahaha Here is what the mock-up looks like: Nat, I love that is gonna be sooo cute. When I went to Michaels I racked up on a whole lot of stuff there sale was GREATTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!! I bought the glass vases for 1.99 and I bought 15 of them for the AHR
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