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Everything posted by lrdavis23

  1. If they try to apply all these extra fees to the wedding package that we agreed upon I will move my wedding to the Melia Caribe Tropical, and if thats not availably possible the Paradisus Punta Cana. I have already emailed the Melia to see if my date is avaible if so I will then contact the TA to see if this is possible and would our guest be able to apply there deposits to the new resort. If Dreams doesnt add all this crap then I will stay where we are. I also looked at the wedding guide again, and what Im hoping is that if you pick a package that the set-up fee will not apply. But I still can't get over the no music no dancing rule, that just doesn't make any sense how do you have a wedding reception with no music I hope Deyanira say they will allow music on the terrace for private functions. I really don't want to have to change locations I like DPC
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Outdoor_girl1010 Hello, everyone. I have been following yalls thread because this is one of the places I had thought about getting married at, but I pick Palma Real. We had something happen like this too. I was freaking out because I would of been unable to have my wedding there with all the changes that were made, but I contact my WC and ask if all the change that had been made applied to me since I was book before they happen. I was told they did not apply to me because I was already book. To take a little bit of stress off I would get in touch with your WC and wait to see what see says. Then if she comes back with yes it does apply then I would freak out, because they just dose not seem fair. I am sorry this is happening to yall. Jennifer Thanks Jennifer, I hope this applies to all of us as well, because this has truly just shocked all of us to take so much away and then to charge so much more. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for all of us.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 I am beyond pissed about these changes... the set-up fee is the one that really gets me!! If I were getting married at home, I would have had my friends and family do it, so why would I pay a bunch of Dominicans $15 per person to do it? Doesn't make ANY sense! Toya I thought of you when this started coming up, since you have so many people!! I'm really feeling bad for the girls who are close from their wedding date... this is absolutely ridiculous. Yeh Nat, that would $1200 freakin dollars in set up fee for me thats just ridiculous, I could see if it was even $5 or something but $15 thats a freakin meal. I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna send my email to Deyanira see what they say, and then go from there. I really don't want to have to switch places it took me forever to narrow it down to DREAMS I really don't want to go thru all that again.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam There's a set-up fee too for the ceremony and reception?? Doesn't that come with getting married at the hotel...if it's $15/person, I will do it myself! I thought getting married away somewhere would be easy. I did email my WC last night about the table cloth charges, but haven't gotten anything back yet. I will post anything significant. Tam I said the same thing my MOH and family can set up, sh*t I don't need to pay $15 per person to do that thats really ridiculous. Deyanira and Sharron are gonna be getting so many emails from us, cause I am drafting mine right now too and I'm going to ask all these question and get specific answers cause this just doesn't make sense to do that. and they always add that clause about **prices are subject to chaneg anytime** to cover there asseesss
  5. I just read everything, so WTH is $15 setup fee per person, to set up some damnn tables mann I could have my family do that for free, so if they charge me $15 set up it will cost me $1200 dollars to set up a room for 80 people WTF I am pissed. I am soo dissapointed in the new changes I feel like they are really tring to get over on people now.
  6. Ok I am just jumping back on the forum and I am soooooo blown at all these changes they are trying implement, this is absolutley ridiculous, how can you just spring that on people who have already booked and reserved there wedding date. This is just crazy. I haven't even looked at everything just yet, but by reading what you all have posted I'm sure I will be just as upset. There is now way I can change our resort now because we 80 guest booked and that would be too many people to ask to change and lose there deposit. Plus all my wedding stuff has my date on it and everything urrghhhh I'm soo frustrated at DREAMS right now. and how can they say no music or dancing on the terraces, wtf are the speakers or dj for if you can't have music, if we have a DW we want it outside not in a ballroom wtf thats crazy
  7. I know it would be very simple if they just sent a whole packet that has everything they offer including the prices for each year. Its like they give you bits and pieces of things instead of all the info
  8. Hi Danielle, I too was wondering what flowers are actually availlable in DR too, because they don't seem to have any of the flower choices I want. Also is there a local florist ? Toya
  9. Thanks Jocy, now we can see what the prices look like. I'm still waiting on Deyanira to email the buffet prices for 2010
  10. I agree with E and Nat, I think the guest will enjoy the bar area for a hour and be just fine
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam Hey Toya, Can you send me the 2010 menu pricelist? do you have it?? If I already sent this to you , sorry, I can't remember if I did. How are you otherwise?? Haven't heard much from you. Heeeeyyyy Tam, Girl I just was really busy at work, now things have slowed down at work and I can get back to chatting on the forum hehee I really missed you guys.... if you all ever need anything from me you can email me and I will email ya right back Here are the 2010 menu prices. I still don't have the 2010 buffet prices or the 2010 cocktail hour prices yet, but I don't think you were doing the buffet anyway. Wedding menus 2010.doc
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by rdhbride just wanted to let you ladies know how wonderful you all have been! you have provided me with such great ideas and def was wonderful sharing in a lil part of your special day! unfortunately we have to cancel our wedding because my mom has been diagnosed with cancer and its a poor prognosis so unsure if she will be able to travel in may. and a lil nervous even if she can god forbid we had an emergency so we are now having an ahr. we will be having it on her bday in aug. i have emailed sharron about it so my day and time is up for grabs, may 21st and it was at 4. hope this helps someone out if they wanted a change:) I am sorry to hear about your mom, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I'm sure you will have wonderful AHR.
  13. I would do what makes you feel comfortable, alot of times very simple bands look really beautiful and elegant, so I think its all in what you like and want. I could prolly never turn down more diamonds, and I love jewlery I too am only 5'2 110 pounds with small fingers and my E-ring is 2 carat center with 1/2 carat diamonds on the side and everybody says it looks huge but when my sister puts my ring on it dosn't look nearly the same size. The lady at the jewlery store told me I shouldn't get anyting bigger than a 2 carat for my setting and my fingers, but I disagree you can never have too many diamonds hahahahaha
  14. Welcome Vicky, check out the Dreams PC thread, we have alot of information in there regarding prices, pictures, menu's, extra's, reception sites, etc..... I am getting married there 6/18/10. I think you will love your choice.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Oh yeah by the way Toya, did you order organza sashes? If so, did you like the quality? I will be ordering from them if the quality is good, since the price is right! Hey Nat, I did order my sashes and I love them, the crinkled taffeta sashes are gorgeous and the quality is just fine. the satan sahses were nice too the only ones I didn't like was the cotton sashes.
  16. Hi Ladies, this was such a busy week at work for me... I miss my chit chat with you all on the forum. How is everybody ? anything new ? I see Annidas is gearing up and getting ready for her wedding...so exciting. Tam I see you have orderded some new travel mugs and your almost ready for your big day. Jocy sorry to hear about the dress fitting fiasco that happened.... everything will work out. Which bridal shop did you go to ? Me, I have been so busy at work I havn't even did any wedding planning hahahaha. I did recieve my chair sashes and I really like them now I know exactly what color I want to order.
  17. Awww I'm sorry you are soo stressed out, I know we all fully understand how stressful this whole process is. I actaully like both dresses I didn't see anything wrong with the first dress, and the second dress is gorgeous too. I live 10 min from the National Harbor and its a gorgeous place to get married, are you getting married at the Gaylord Hotel?
  18. how exciting annidas, have fun, enjoy, you and DH and having a great time
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 yeah I am definitely bringing my own sashes... its a minor expense, and I will be able to use them for the AHR! Nat i will be using mine for the AHR too, I didn't really think about Tulle for the gazebo hmmmmm something to think about thanks Tam
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam BTW, I totally forgot to post our wedsite which a certain little web angel helped me with Miss Toya! ANyways, here it is: Gerry & Tam's Wedding I am almost done with posting pics... awww Tam you are sooooo welcome ! I'm glad I was able to help
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jmcaulay Another thing.... I have not decided on the wedding gazebo or the beach. I am trying to be the most efficient with my money and it comes down to decorations for gazebo $350 and decorations for beach $350. Is anyone doing the gazebo without any decorations? I am not sure what it will look like. I was also dead set on being barefoot/ flip flops. I mentioned this to my fiance he said nooo way! He wants me to wear heels. He said our pictures will look terrible if I dont ( he is 6'5 and I am 5'5) He said we have too many pictures already with just my head and half his head cut off! Haha So now I am torn... I am doing the gazebo without decorations, I think it looks beautiful just the way it is, the extra decor they speak of is the carpeted walk way some flowers to go on the gazebo walls, a ceremony table with a centerpiece etc..... I don't really need all that, I have seen many DPC pictures of weddings with no extra decor and they were gorgeous so I'm not goonna add the extra decor there. The beach is just as beautiful, it think either choice would look great. so I guess go with what would really make you and FI happy.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jmcaulay I have tried to look for my dress online... but no luck finding it. The closest one I could find was this one. The only difference is the straps criss cross in the back. Weddings Gowns Gifts, The Knot Hope the website works... That dress is gorgoeus, its soo simple but sooo elegant.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Toya I have faith in you!! Thanks Nat, I hope I can pull it off, I have so many things I would love to do but just have to figure how to make it work.
  24. Paper Lanterns | Parasols | Luna Bazaar this is also another great website thats has some cool things. I will be ordering my BM's parasols from here
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk tam, i'm doing the exact same thing for my table runners i think. and we're doing black ones too! but with pink chair sashes. i'm trying my hardest to make things look like they blend well without being "matchy matchy" and making it look cheesey... does that make any sense? omg me tooo E, I am really trying not to be matchy matchy, this is when I wish I could hire a professional wedding coordinator to pull all my ideas together lol...
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