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Everything posted by MrsVaughn2B

  1. Joanne, Your post is really awesome. You have no idea how reassuring your opinion is. Thank you, Andrea
  2. Amy, Your pictures are seriously awesome! Very sexy and your chemistry really shows on camera. I love them!! High five on getting almost getting kicked out of somewhere for making out! That's hot!!
  3. I spoke to Tiffany @ Lomas, about the buffet/ a la carte issue for lunch and dinner. She checked with her manager and also came back that a group request food stations in the restaurants which was the reason why there seemed like it was buffet. Tiffany stated that even if that situation happens you are always allowed to order off the menu and have a server. She said part of the gourmet inclusive and experince is being able to order an a la carte. This conversation made me feel much better about it everything. Hope this helps a little.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by scooby9c Hi Ladies, For what its worth, I just heard back from my WC at Luxe Destination Weddings. She just spoke with their onsite rep at Karisma (Jonathan) who is currently at the hotel now. He said that the reason for the change was only to accommodate the off season. Apparently they are in the off season now and that the busy season will pick up again starting 1 October. To be honest I think this is a bit of BS - why would the off season only run through middle of August through September? She said the hotel downgraded the size of the staff and then usually closes one restaurant per day on a rotation (Zavaz on Monday, Sienna on Tuesday, etc.). I told them that this was still unacceptable as our party is starting to arrive on 28 September and that my guests have paid for what the hotel claims to be a five star, gourment all inclusive experience not a buffet line. She assured me that things will go back to normal by the time my wedding is due - but I told her that I wanted it in writing from the hotel first- so she is working on that now. We'll see what happens. Just curious if any of you ladies have heard anything different from your TAs or WCs. Oh yah - she also said that the TA reviews were from a group of folks that booked through Thompsons and that they requested buffets at some of the restaurants. Again I think this is a bit of BS and that they are just trying to appease me. I'll let you know what the hotel comes back with. Carrie Carrie, I 'm waiting to hear back from my travel agent. As soon as I get something from her we can compare notes. I also left a message for Tiffany, my WC from Lomas to see what she has to say. The whole down sizing thing for off season does sound like BS. I think its great you asked for something in writing from the hotel. I will make sure to do the same. I hope to have something soon. Andrea-
  5. Ok, so the buffet/ a la carte thing is really bugging me. I feel like if I wanted everything to be buffet I would have chosen the Moon Place or some other resort. I still want to have my wedding at AS but it would be nice to be informed of a change like this. I emailed my TA to find out what she knows or if she has heard anything about these changes.
  6. Katie, I can't believe they will not let you down grade to the silver package. I mean what is the big deal, you are still spending a lot of money at the resort. I can't believe the resort is willing to loose thousands of dollars just because you want to down grade your package. I am so sorry you are having such a terrible time with everything. You do have some time so that is good and no matter what, you will have a perfect wedding. Stay positive and please let us know if we can help you with anything.
  7. I am disappointed they changed to a buffet for breakfast and lunch as well. Breakfast I can probably deal with but I was excited to try different things for lunch and dinner. I am not a big buffet girl anyway. Because AS was one of the only resorts that did not do the buffet is one of the reasons i was attracted to it. I am going to call my TA and question if they are still marketing themselves to be al la carte. Does anyone know if Spoon is a buffet for dinner now too?
  8. Katie, So sorry to hear you are having troubles with the resort. Please keep us posted on what they respond with. I'm interested in what they have to say. Stay postive!
  9. Ash, Thank you so much for the updates about the resort. It's reassuring to hear postive news from someone who's seen it all. I would really like to hear about the food and what you liked or disliked.
  10. Afrommert, I think our wedding times will work out just fine. I will make sure to look for your email. hope you have had a great Labor Day weekend.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Its OFFICIAL... Were BOOKED, Sat Feb 13th, 5pm! Afrommert, congrats on being offical! Our weddings are only a hour apart.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B I am so glad you brought up the engagement pics. We just got ours back on Monday and I have been meaning to post them. I was really nervous how they were going to come out but I love them! Good thing too since we are taking them to the wedding. Enjoy! Hawes Photography and Design Would help if you knew who to look under. :-) It's under Andrea and Jason, Aug. 2, 2009
  13. Katie, Good for your FH. He is asking ligament questions and you deserve an explanation. You are spending a lot of money and this is your wedding day. It might just be the kick in the butt they need. It will work out!!
  14. I am so glad you brought up the engagement pics. We just got ours back on Monday and I have been meaning to post them. I was really nervous how they were going to come out but I love them! Good thing too since we are taking them to the wedding. Enjoy! Hawes Photography and Design
  15. Kitten, The monogram is awesome! So unique and the colors are perfect. Good job!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert in addition, my destinationwedding.com planer is gayle hirsh. She actually did a friend of mines wedding in jamica i guess... I started working with her last thursday and she left for 10 day vacation MONDAY. Im totally bummed. Because Tiffany is asking for a deposit and I wanted to price some things out with the destinationwedding planner FIRST... ****, But I see that mrsvaughn and myself have excat wedding date which I think is super cool, we can compare! We should bring our own stuff use them for both weddings and split all the cost lol Afrommert, I am excited we have the same date! Mid- West is represented!! Woohoo! Ok that might have been a little much! We should defiantly share ideas. Andrea-
  17. Kitten, I requested a quote from Shavon's silks that you recommended. My FI and I talked about it, they look real and will be something we can keep. We figured we could also use them for our festivities back home. I was wondering how long it took to get your quote back from her? Also, are you going to see her for a consultation? Did you just send her pictures of what you wanted or provide her a list of flowers you wanted? So for all the questions.
  18. Allisa, Its really good your dad is going to be able to make the trip. I'm sure the time away will be nice to melt away some of the stress of the last few weeks. Everything will be perfect for your wedding! Lots of postive thoughts!! You are almost there, just one more week!!
  19. Kitten, I love the sun rise and sun set calendar for Mexico. I am going to send that to my FI, he will love it. Thank you!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lilly129 Okay thanks so much! Sorry I have no idea what I'm doing - but I've reached out to a travel agent so I feel like we're headed in the right direction...hahaha I'll try to keep my silly inexperienced questions to a minimum Lilly, The travel agent is a good way to go. I think almost everyone on the thread has gone the TA route. Its also nice to have someone to represent you just in case anything goes wrong. I recommend getting references from the trave agent to see how they handle destination wedding groups. Hope this helps. Andrea-
  21. Allisa, I'm sorry about your dad. Many postive thoughts to you and your family. I hope he gets to feeling better throughout the week.
  22. Girls, I am so pleased you like the dress. I really excited about it! I have some pics of me in it on my computer with veil and everything, but when I try to attach them they won't load. I am not very web savvy. I want to add a ticker to my signature but eveytime I go to upload it tells me its invalid. Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong. I need web for dummies :-)
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