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Everything posted by MrsVaughn2B

  1. Alisa, I am so sorry to hear about your father. My thoughts are with you and your hubby. Like all the other wonderful ladies have said, it was wonderful he was able to share in your wedding and that moment will last a life time. I am excited to hear you had a wonderful time and positive experience at the resort. We love the reassuring feedback. I looked at your photos and they are awesome. The wedding looked amazing and your reception was so well put together. Colors are fab and the lanterns are a prefect added touch. Please let us know if you need anything. Biggest hugs!!
  2. Amy and Amy, I am going to use the website where you gotyour bags and candles. They have some cute stuff and looks perfect for OOT bags. Thank you!!
  3. Thanks so much for putting the list together Amy. I really think this will be a fun want to stay on top of everything.
  4. Katie, I looked at your website yesterday too and it's really awesome. Great info for your guest and family. You Go!!
  5. Happy Thursday ladies. Meghan welcome back. We missed you. Amy, I like the game and it I know it would help me to stay focused on getting things done. I am so bad a getting side tracked and since Feb. 13th is 93 days away; I don't have time to get side tracked. Oh girls I got my shoes ordered last night and finally got my veil delivered to my parents house ( where I am keeping everything). I tired my veil on and my Dad looked at me and said, " I will probably cry when i walk to down the aisle". It was so sweet.
  6. Kitten, Loving your inspiration board. You are so creative. Just loving it. What is the name of that website again?
  7. Nicole, Congrats and welcome back. I am so excited you had a great time at the resort and that the wedding was perfect even with it raining. I know we are all interested in all of the details of the week. How your nails held up? How did your make up go? Did you get your hair done there? How was the spa? Ok, I am getting ahead of my self. I am not doing a private dinner either so I really am interested in that whole experience. I might PM you and get your thoughts. So happy for you to be a Mrs. !!
  8. Amy, I looked at all the Michael's around here and must have missed the luggage tags that were on clearance. I really appreciate you looking for me in Detroit. You are awesome!!
  9. All of the stuff from the shower is stilling on my dining room table and floor around it. Since Jason is out of town this week for work, we decided to leave it all there until he's back. I got lots of new wine, martini, highball glasses. All matching of course with the matching ice bucket. Can't have a good martini without a little shaken ice. :-) I registered for games like jenga, scrabble, apples to apples, etc.. It went over great we got so many games we are going to have to take some back. But now we can have wine and game night with friends during the winter. The big items were a convection oven/ toaster oven, kitchen aid mixer (color ice blue) with the attachments, a steamer. I won't iron but I will gladly steam my clothes now. :-) We are going to have to do some serious cleaning out soon. We still have most of my stuff boxed up from when I moved into the house in April. If someone knows a college kid that needs a fishstick pan let me know, I think we have 5 old ones in good condition. :-) Happy Tuesday ladies!!
  10. Girls I had my bridal shower this weekend. It was fun but really overwhelming too. Honestly, I am relieved its over. I don't like being put on the spot and all my friends told me I looked really nervous and stressed. Thank goodness for a few glasses of wine after with the girls. All and all we got a lot of fun stuff. Now just need to find places to pul all of it.
  11. Amy, I love the way you are asking your bridesmaids. I would have never thought of anything that creative. They are going to love it!!
  12. We defiantly need to meet up for a drink to celebrate when we get to the resort before the week gets crazy.
  13. I know its so cray that we will be in the double digits by Friday! Its going to fly by especially with the holidays thrown in there.
  14. Amy, if it wasn't for you I would have never know about the real touch flowers, you get all the props!!
  15. Lindz, Don't feel bad about not doing AHR. They are really expensive and its double planning. I am in the same boat as Amy B. If I didn't have an AHR my FI's family would throw a big fit. They actually expect us to since they are not coming to Mexico. Its sorta annoying but at least we get to celebrate with friends that don't get to join us. This your wedding and about you so make it whatever you dream of!!
  16. The days are just passing by and I have so much to do!! There is only 102 days until my wedding. I am really starting to freak out. The next 2 weeks my FI is out of town so I can really buckle down and get stuff done and eat only healthy stuff for a change. I love my FI but I can eat so much less when he's not around. I just found out today that my cake person for my home reception bumped me and so now i am in search of a new cake person. I am sorta PO'ed that she didn't even call, especially since we had met with her several times. Such as life and I will still get a great cake, I know it. 1. Music: We are still trying to narrow down songs to down load and put on our Ipod. When I talked to Tiffany about this, she said the on side coordinator would man the Ipod for us. Has anyone heard different? 2. Flowers: We are getting samples in to see how they look and feel of the silks. I am very excited about that. 3. Invites: We are ordering our at home reception invites next week. FINALLY!! 4. I ordered my FI's ring including the engraving on the inside. I hope he likes it. 5. Dress and veil are in. I need to do my fittings now and pick out some shoes. Need to do's: - jewelry for myself and bridesmaids - shoes for brides maids - WORKING OUT!! getting married is so stressful.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by VanessaLea4 Hi Ladies! I'm an Azul Sensatori Bride getting married on 6/5/2010. I'm so thrilled (and relieved) to finally have it booked. Over the past couple months I've spent hours on here reading all your thoughts and comments and I must say thank you because it's really what helped me choose AS. I'm eager to start my planning because the wedding is just right around the corner..YIKES! Sooo Exciting! This doesn't really fit with my post but I thought it was cute! Vanessa, Welcome to the best thread ever! Please ask lots and lots of questions. The time will fly by and you will be a Mrs. before you know it. Happy planning.
  18. Lindz, Thank you so much for sending out your healthy food tips. It really motivating and every little bit helps to get a healthy diet in. I can't wait to make the Asian wraps. They sound so delish!! Plus this makes me want to get up and eat breakfast. I am usually rushing around in the morning and barely get out the door with a protein bar in hand. I know better but I love morning sleep. Now with some good tips and getting back in the gym I just might make a decently toned bride after all.
  19. Amy, I know its crazy how the time is flying by. One of my co-workes has the days on his dry erase board for the count down. Its down to 106. By this time next week will be in the double digits. Its freaking crazy!!
  20. Nicole, Have the best most awesome wedding ever! You are going to be beautiful and the weather will be perfect! Can't wait to hear all about it.
  21. Happy Friday AS Brides. I have been catching up and you girls are making me excited to get back in the gym and work out. I have been sick for almost 8 weeks and finally we doc has realized I have asthma. Amy I love the calorie counting and healthy eating tips. I can't want to get back into a routine.
  22. Amy, I think all the koozies I looked at you had to order 100. Too bad they can personalize some with your name and some with my name and leave the date the same. I think I am going to call and at least ask if I can order a smaller order, the worst they can say is no.
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