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Everything posted by MrsVaughn2B

  1. What is everyone doing about a guest book. I am thinking about not doing one. Is that bad? I feel like its one of those things I will never look at again and for some reason I think of funerals when I think of guest books, not weddings. i thought about doing the signature frame and then getting a picture for it after the wedding.
  2. Everyone is making such amazing progress!! Keeps me going and motovated! I need that. Some days I just want to say the hell with it all and just go lay on the beach. :-) Thank you girls!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo another question.... I paid for all of the BM dresses and MOH shoes. Is a gift for them still appropriate? I thought maybe we could find something small in mexico as a gift/souvenir. We are going to the silver factory and am hoping to find cheap silver jewlery. As for th GM only 1 of the original boys asked is coming...maybe we'll just buy them drinks at the resort. LOL What did you girls do for gifts? I would say if you already bought your BM's dresses and shoes, you should be able to use that as their gifts. That stuff adds up really fast and they will appreciate how much you have already done for them. I am thinking about getting my BM's shoes as part of their gift since I am asking them to have matching shoes.
  4. Katie, Here is what our AH invites look like. If you want to use the vebiage please do. Its really had to figure out the right thing to say. 3350181_2465869[2].pdf
  5. OMG there is so little time left to do everything. Postive thoughts to get everything all done!
  6. 12/28/09 – 01/08/09 1. AH invites in the mail by Monday 1/07/09 2. Shopping with my birdesmaids for shoes on 1/03/09 3. Finalize my jewelry, hair and make up 4. Finish OOT bag shopping ( down to the little things) 5. Begin list for OOT bags and print 6. Begin program for the ceremony 7. Get my wedding ring sized
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda and some one else said to get some 6 packs from the bar and go down to the beach with them!! Amy B, I love this idea!
  8. It looks like Le Chique is open till 1am and so is the Mojito Lounge. Le Chique Lounge | Karisma Hotels & Resorts Mojito Lounge | Karisma Hotels & Resorts
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo Has anyone that has already been to the resort gone to the disco after the reception is over? How is it? Are they pretty punctual about ending reception at 11? What happens after reception if you are not ready for bed?? From what Nicole said its open late. I read somewhere 2am maybe. I will check and find out what time they close.
  10. MrsVaughn2B (Andrea) to do’s: #1 Order OOT bags ( I slacked and now have to wait for more to come back in stock) - DONE #2 Order OOT candles - DONE #3 Monogram stickers for my AH invites - DONE #4 Jewelry for bridesmaids - not done #5 Decide hair and make up for wedding day – in process (still)
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Andrea, can you belive we'll be in Mexico in a little over a month!!! Cant wait to have a drink with you!!!! I can't belive how fast the time is going. The next 6 weeks are going to fly by. I'm excited to have drinks next to the ocean.... I can hear the waves now. I will email you so we can pick a date and time!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert hey ladies! Ive been really busy and havent been able to catch up on here!!! wishing you all a happy & healthy new year!!!! Does anyone know if you have to rent equipment to play ceremony music? Amy, The equipment should be included for the ceremony just like Amy KH said. I think we are just programming the songs we want on our Ipod in the order we want them played.
  13. Thank you girls for the kodos on my shoes. I have been wearing arond the house when i am over at my parents house. haha! Had my first dress fitting on Thursday, it was exciting to see everything together.
  14. Hey ladies,Merry Christmas!! I hope Santa was good to everyone and all have a wonderful holiday.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Ohhh I'm lovin those shoes!! Are they for the ceremony, recption or both? They are for both. I am in love with them!
  16. I finally got picutes of my shoes the other day. I am so happy how they turned out. Pictures from Sprint: View Message Pictures from Sprint: View Message
  17. Hello ladies I have been reading but haven't been able to post. I work with mutual funds so the end of the year is super busy; it puts a damper on the holidays. Anyway. I everyone's stories about how they met their mates. I find it interesting how we all have different stories and journeys but all end up in the same place. Jason and I dated in college for 3 years and when he started talking marriage after graduation I bolted. I know that's terrible, I got super cold feet and couldn't imagine myself being married, I was only 23. We didn't talk for almost 5 years and one day friend of mine started talking about him and she dared me to email him. Jason and I both work for the same company so I knew where he was at.... working in London. Full proof plan not to run into him. Well we ended up talking again and of course before I new it I was having an email phone relationship with someone on the other side of the pond. We did this for 6 months before be moved back to the states. We have been back together for over 2 years since that email. Over all we have know each other for 10 years. When we started telling people we were engaged, they would say "its about time. " :-)
  18. I will take some pics of my shoes this weekend and try to load them to show everyone.
  19. Amy KH, I did feel like I finally got something almost complete and its such a relief. My fiance and I divided our list in half and are tackling it head on. I might just make my 2009 deadline after all.
  20. Reene, Congrats on making it to Jr. member already you work hard yesterday. Go you!
  21. Girls, I just wanted to tell you I got my coral shoes today and am super excited. I now have a complete outfit (well almost without jewelry) dress, veil, petticoat, and shoes! Its slowly coming together. :-)
  22. Katie, I am so glad you got everything worked out and stuck to your gut feeling. The gut feeling is almost always right, just like Amy said. Its wonderful she will still be able to share in other parts of the wedding. As you would say in your cute brit accent, "Well done!"
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 oh and tomorrow evening...I'm meeting up with my 'best friend' to talk things through. I'm feeling positive, but not delusional...and I'm going with a very open mind. think we both have things we need to say, but bottom line will be i know that she can't afford to come so won't be in Mexico...but that's cool. I can deal with that Katie, Its great you are getting together and trying to work things out. You will feel better getting your feeling out in the open, no matter what the outcome is. Lots of hugs and positive thoughts.
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