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Everything posted by MrsVaughn2B

  1. Amy KH, I love your birdcage, veil. It goes perfectly with your theme and is very elegant. Its going to look amazing with your dress!
  2. Tiffany got back to me and the icing is fondant. I am going to just live with it. I will probebly be too full to eat most of it anyway.
  3. Girls, Love the floating candles. We are doing tons of them at your AHR. Lindz those pictures are very pretty, well done!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart This is great to hear! Thank you, I am nervous doing my own makeup but I don't do too bad with my makeup (at least I think so) and I take instruction really well so I'm hoping I shock myself with how well I'm able to duplicate it. Bobbi Brown is pricey too isn't it? Did you have to buy a lot? You are beautiful and you are going to do a great job at your own make up. Price wise its a little more than what I ususally pay for at MAC. I would say a eye shadow is $14 or $16 at MAC is $18 or $20 for Bobbi Brown. I ended up buying most of the eye make up and foundation just because I don't usually wear foundations and know I need to for pictures. Some of the other stuff I just happen to need to replinish anyway so it sorta worked out. I know I always think of make up as an investment and how long it will last. Like I know MAC will last longer even though gover girl is way cheaper. Of course I will be able to tell you how it worked on the sweat and tears in a few weeks.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ I officially finished all of my STD's!!! I'm about to walk over to the post office with them right now. We got our first draft of our passport invites this weekend and so far they look great. We just need to make a few small changes. It feels great to officially have something done! Crista - Congrats I getting your STD's done. It really makes you feel like you got something accomplished. You go girl!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I decided to do the same thing... one of my bridesmaids is a hair and makeup artist and owns a salon but I wasn't super happy with my makeup for my engagement shoot and tweaked it when I got home. Did the Bobbi Brown makeup artist do a good job? Just like what you wanted? I was pleased with the Bobbi Brown make up artist that I've been working with. She's not from KC so that makes me happy. Not that people have bad taste here but she is used to dealing with people that are more demanding (Las Vegas) and people who are more trendy. I sound like s snob. haha I wanted smoky eyes but not something too dark that it looked like I got punched and I wanted my face to seem glowing and not greasy or sweaty. She used a lot of browns on the eyes and it really made my brown eyes pop. The lipstick and cheeks are pink toned. It all came out looking really pretty. Now if I can replicate it. The eye make up is awesome. It is waterproof for sure and if comes off easy without making your skin feel dried out like a lot of long wear make up does. I would say its defiantly worth checking out. Ok, I have gone on and on now, sorry about that.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 Okay, so my hunt to find the bridesmaid's dress failed. In between my mom and I, we visited 18 Ross stores over this weekend in the DFW area trying to find the dress in a large. We have searched online with no luck either. So now I'm going to try and recruit you ladies If any of you shop at Ross, would you PLEASE look for the dress for me?! I will pay gas money and ship you the money ASAP!! I'm sorry, I am getting desperate, lol. I'll post a picture later with more details We don't have any in the Kansas City area. :-(
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan That's what I thought, but I think buttercream will melt in the heat. I emailed Tiffany this morning to find out for sure. I am curious now.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Andrea, sounds like you are READY to get married! Woo hoo. Did you take loads of pix so you can recreate what they did for your make up? Are you having a professional from Azul do your make up on the wedding day? I cant wait to hear if it was sweat & cry proof I didn't take any pics and I should have. I have seen the makeup artist a few time and she went over everything and wrote down the order everything should be put on. I am going to partice at home so when I do it for the big day I don't have a melt down. I never thought I would be doing my own make up for my wedding. I know this way I will like it. I hope its sweat adn cry proof, that's why I bought it. I just hate crying but least I can prepare for it.
  10. Hey ladies! I have been MIA so I am so happy to get to catch up. I finally feel like I am making some major progress. We got our travel vouchers from our TA yesterday which was a releif. She was being a flake and didn't charge any of our guest till last week but asked for final payment at the beginning of Dec. I was pretty PO'ed, people budget for this big chunk of $$ to come out of their account and then she sat on it for 6 weeks. I was not pleased and thought it was a bit rude but we got over it now have our travel vouchers. Stressed out to the max about that for a few weeks. I got my make up for the ceremony yesterday. I decided to go with the Bobbi Brown waterproof eye make up line. Its really cool and last for 8 plus hours. I have a few things I need to work on but I think it will work out great. FI and I also picked out and ordered our cake topper for the AHR. So we are almost done with the cake planning as well. Today we are working on center pieces for the AHR with his parents. Well he is workiing on them, I am going to cook and watch football. He is the creative one and I wouldn't know the first thing on how to make a center piece stunning and romantic. Only 20 days left till the big day. The time is going to fly by. I am ready for the beach and a little sun!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda So my Mom was at my sister's house yesterday and they called me on Skype to show me my wedding dress that arrived. It was hard to see it on the hanger so my sister and I convinced my Mom to try it on so I can see it on a person! hahhaha It was hysterical. She put on the veil and everything. Then I wanted to make sure it was the right size so I made her put on the other dress too. We were all laughing to hard. Good news - the new one is amazing! My sister is nervous it will be too fited in the hips (the 2 of us did not get my mom's slim frame) - but they both loved the dress. Yay!!! What did we do without the internet! That is so cool you got to see your dress online while talking to your family. I bet that makes a being away from home much easier.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Meghan, I had maybe two bites of my cake just so I could say "I ate some of my wedding cake" lol. It wasn't icing, it was fondant, so you can't really eat much of that. To me it was just cake, nothing special. So I'm packed and heading to the airport in a few hours for my trip! I'm sure I'll have 100 pages to catch up on when I get back! Have a great weekend everyone! We are just havng the 2 person cake in the package but I'm not crazy about fondant. I wonder if they can change that to buttercream icing. Nicole- Have a great trip to DR. I am so excited for you and your hub, it will be a nice get away from the winter weather.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Sounds like you are in a good mode Andrea getting stuff done at least! How long is your AHR after you get married? I am so far behind in post since yeaterday. We have about 3 weeks between Azul and the AHR.
  14. Here are the few things I have got done. 1. AH invites in the mail by Monday 1/07/09 – not done but will be by 1/15/10 - DONE 2. Shopping with my birdesmaids for shoes on 1/3/09 – decided they can pick out their own shoes as long as they are silver. - DONE 3. Finalize my jewelry, hair and make up – Make up is done I also just met with a florist over my lunch break to talk about arrangements for my AHR and I have an appointment at 4pm to go over my cake design and flavors for AHR.
  15. Hey girls I have been totally MIA for the last week, I am too in freak out mode. Kitten - OMG! I finally got to see your pic and they are amazing. Your phototog is a great job and your ass is rockin'! Those pics even make me hot!! Awesome job on getting so much done on your list! You are going to be smooth sailing by the time your wedding gets here. Amy M - I understand freak out mode!! I really can't wait until you and I are sipping a drink at the poolside bar on Wednesday, Feb. 10th. Just the idea is keeping me going. Amy F has a good idea to take a pic with one of the GM's to check out the colors. Also something to think about, are you really going to standing right next to the groomsmen and they are going to have a vest so I bet you won't even notice in pics. Also, I think if your guest that aren't staying at the hotel want to come to the other events you are planning they will find a way to come. You already have so much to worry about for your wedding day, let them worry about this part. You know they are going to be there for the wedding and reception and that is really the most important day. Lolo - You must get those shoes!! LIndz - So awesome you found your dress!! Its such a great feeling when you do. I can't wait to see pictures. Also, thank you for the kick in the booty, its always needed.
  16. Amy, I can't wait to see your pics, I know your FI is going to love them! You naughty little vixen!
  17. I got nothing done the last two weeks. This is the busiest time of year for work and all I do is eat, breathe, and sleep work. Put everything the smae for me but #2. 12/28/09 – 01/11/09 1. AH invites in the mail by Monday 1/07/09 – not done but will be by 1/15/10 2. Shopping with my birdesmaids for shoes on 1/3/09 – Done decided they can pick out their own shoes as long as they are silver. 3. Finalize my jewelry, hair and make up – Not Done 4. Finish OOT bag shopping ( down to the little things) – Not Done 5. Begin list for OOT bags and print – Not Done 6. Begin program for the ceremony – Not Done 7. Get my wedding ring sized – Not Done
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Andrea, not sure if your still interested, but michaels have luggage tags again, the are new ones. And they are $2 each, let me know! Oh, I need to check with the FI and see if he still wants to go the luggage tags. I will call you tonight!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Andrea, Is there a difference in ceremonys? I thought it was just legal/ civil or symbolic?? legal/ civil are the same. Sorry if I was confusing.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Thanks girl, did you get it off line?, I just happen to run into it last night when surfn the as site, was just trying to figure out why I wasnt told i needed that? Ive never heard of it before. I guess ill fill it out and take it with me?? Is that what you do? Also, do we need anything else?? I just sent you an email with one I got from Tiffany. I think its the same thing you are talking about. Text me and let me know.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert REALLY!!!!!!! AWESOME, did you happen to SAVE that email with her saying its free? Id like to see it too lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to see that email too. I was told $75 as well. Why is there so many differance is day pass pricing? This is one of those things that makes you want to scream.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert for those of you getting married legally, Did you fill out the wedding appliciation? I filled one out. If you need a copy let me know and I will email it to you.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by momichele Hi Girls I just got finished reading through all of the threads and everyone has given so much information. We are still waiting to hear back from our TA about getting married July 24th. I am hoping we will know by tomorrow. I have a few questions about the ceremony. Like many on this forum we wanted to get married legal before going down but we are also catholic and would want it at least blessed. So we are looking at going to the Justice of Peace a few days before, Azul for the ceremony and then coming back to get it blessed by the church. Is this crazy Does anyone have any other ideas. Our priest is very old school and thought we should not lie to our guest by saying we are getting 'married' in Mexico since we are not legally and will be before we go. Thanks!! I am getting married legally in Mexico and then having our marriage blessed in the Catholic Church when we get back. We still went through all of the marriage prep classes as the church requires. Our priest told us as long as we had a Catholic ceremony we would be married in the eyes of the church. He will not marry us in the church without confirming we are married legally. Have you considered just getting married legally in Mexico and then having the blessing when you get back?
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