I was extremely impatient waiting for the proposal. He had the ring for over 6 months and yes I knew he had it because the bills kept coming in the mail and it was obvious, I just kept trying to leave it in the back of my mind and pretend I never saw it. The part that I hated though is that he always brought up wedding stuff...like all the time. He wanted to talk about details, and I finally got so mad and told him that I never wanted to hear anything about a "wedding" ever again unless he was going to man-up and put a ring on my finger!! I was sick of making plans and talking about it without knowing when and if it would actually happen. Well a few weeks after that he took me for a romantic weekend for our 3 year anniversary and finally did it! So don't worry he is definitely thinking about it, and it will happen!!
As for booking for February, I'm sure it will be possible you'll just want to hope that proposal is very soon, it may be difficult to work out some details without a lot of time. I hope you get your proposal soon and that you can start planning right away!