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Everything posted by PHAT_NAT

  1. Anybody have any pics from Melia varadero wedding they can post??
  2. Thank you so much !!! Yea I was leaning towards the purple shirts ..Just a little worried they may be to feminine?
  3. So I have my wedding dress...It's elegant but simple...Here it is Destiny Wedding Gown - Wedding Dress I have my bridesmaids dresses they are a royal purple..But now I don't know what the men should wear?? My ideas are: #1 Groomsmen in Dark purple shirts to match the bridemaids, Groom ibn a white shirt and all of the men in khakis... #2 Same as above but the gm's in lighter purple shirts... #3 FI in a beige suit Purple tie to match dresses and gm's in white with purple ties and khakis ? I was going for a more casual look so probably option 1 or 2 What does everybody think I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Yea i fyou can post the photographer info that would be great ..nd any other details you may have..Have you been to Cuba before And also about the 15 of April I can't gurantee they will have that date but i'M ALMOST SURE..bECAUSE A FEW WEEKS BEFORE WE BOOKED i REQUESTED aPRIL 13 AND April 15 because we didn't have an exact date of departure..They have to be in contact with the notary, which she did for April 13 and confirmed with me but also said April 15 was available for the hotel just had to check with the judge...
  5. Hi there..Where are you travelling from...Also when are you getting married down there..I booked through selloffvacations..They gave us a group quote..I have been in contact with the wedding coorfinator however to set up the date and start palnning the dteails her name is Joyma and her email is... [email protected] Let me know how you make out and if you need any more help,..
  6. Hi everybody...I to am an April10 bride..Officially booked trip today Melia Varadero April 13 2010 18 booked so far!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hi there after spending countless hours trying to make decisions on where and when to get married...We`re officially booked!!! 18 people booked so far April 9-16 2010 Melia Varadero...Just wondering if anybody has any opinions on melia..Photos etc. and just some info they can give me
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