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Everything posted by purpleshells

  1. hahaha i couldnt remember his name ;p thx
  2. im a recreation program coordinator!! love it besides the schedule.........
  3. my fiance is the same with CC and im like you..its soo frustrating!!! sorry for the pipes and the $$!!
  4. aww shes so sweet isnt she!!?? hehe are you really the only one getting married on your date?
  5. if you dont like it..change it..i know easier said than done..im in the process of doing the same right now..not that i dont like it but i dont have enough hours and 1 weekend out of 2 sucks
  6. wow....thank god I just saw this..I had contacted her a few days ago,took her a while to respond tho.... but her prices were too high so I didnt bother with any order.. thanks girls!! anyone know of a Katie Hermens(TidalBridal); from ETSY? (thinking of ordering her bouquet but she has no "rating"
  7. melia las dunas has a horrible arch too....im thinking of either not having one or wrapping it with organza...donno how much i would need and would it recover the ugliness enough?lol the horrible arch; http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3567/...3894b98019.jpg
  8. Okay whats with the MLD arch, the resort seems exceptional, from other rewiews..but the beach ceremony arch, c'mon! horrible!!!! Question; what have past/future brides planning on doing to hide this horrific piece of..... I was either thinking of having NO arch or decorating it with organa in the hopes of hiding it.... any other ideas? thanks! the arch; http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3567/...3894b98019.jpg
  9. Pooh..their very nice but they dont match with our color scheme, thanks tho
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Just my thoughts here... you have started a new and wonderful chapter in your life and sometimes when one door opens another closes. I really don't think your friend had put her heart around where you are right now in your lif and what you needed from her... damn straight answer would have covered it... If she said up front.. Love you but just can not do this at this time!!! you would have been disappointed but moved on. Instead she needed to get the whole feel of "oh she really wants me to go and if I leave it last minute, it'll be about how hard I tried and I didn't quit trying to come until the last minute when i knew it was impossible... It became about her and her struggle to get things together and come to your wedding... Amagine you could have choose this same person to be godparent to you future child.... yeah sweetie let that door close, open the new door to your life... that is EXACTLY what she did!!! all about her! whatever..... i wanted to tell her off but just decided to just not speak with her anymore...
  11. true true...yeah i def. want turquoise in it..good idea..thanks!!
  12. its similar....I went to see High Tide Creations, where she got her bouquet...but the dont do bouquets anymore it seems......i wrote to melissa anyway.... the one i showed you is very pretty tho..small..but that is the style right now so hm...50$ i contacted the seller....will give u news
  13. i had given everyone a deadline...sent the invitations 2 months prior.
  14. hey are you willing to sell or lend your bouquet?? I went to see High Tide Creations and they dont seem to have that bouquet anymore..or any bouquets for that matter....may i ask how much you paid? thanks
  15. what do you girls think about this one; The Ainsleigh Seashell Bouquet by TidalBridal on Etsy[]=tags&includes[]=title
  16. SgtPepperette, i just searched her, and she got her bouquet from Etsy
  17. ya i dont really like those sorry thanks tho!! think i will have to spend more if i want what I want... or just get the resort ones..
  18. i know!!! I mean really, whats so hard... "sorry we cannot make it"...but people seem to choose the most hurtful ways in telling you.... lets ignore them for months and hope they will understand. like um.....are you human, this is a wedding we are talking about, not coffee....
  19. well, i would like to not spend more than 50$ if possible... I am pretty flexible with the kind....I def love yours ;P which you already know..lol I was looking at the real touch bouquets and the button ones, love them, but they can get pretty pricey......... and I am not a huge fan of the bouquets they have at the MLD
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