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Everything posted by purpleshells

  1. thx guys..... i would like to throw it out the window..but worried....last minute ppl will be stuck on one end away from their friends/family and so on..... so I will be doing one to make sure everyone has a place...i just hope ppl respect it..
  2. so what are your decor and baby name ideas?? NO STEALING ALLOWED!! ;p
  3. is the photo in a seperate glass, away from the sand?
  4. ya I cant seem to find any anywhere and online, the only place I found was on amazon, the umbra ether one but i am not a huge fan of it,I would like to have the one where the picture frame is in a different frame from the sand frame.......which is impossible to find, I was gonna settle for the umbra one but it is close to 100$ with shipping......ridiculous
  5. Hi guys, I know there are already a few threads about sand ceremony frames, however, some of the links do not work, and I am not willing to DIY it, I saw one on amazon for 25$ but with shipping it was close to 100$ no thanks, anyone know where you can get one in Quebec? I especially like the ones where the photo is in a different window(frame) than the sand.
  6. im sad....... my 82 yr old grand mother was suppose to come to our wedding and this week, 2 months before the wedding, she fell and broke her hip so she will no longer be able to attend.....i am very close with her and this has upset me so bad, I am having trouble planning.... she one was of the reasons why we decided to have our wedding this year so that she could share our special moment with us.... :*(
  7. hi, i emailed you yesterday about having 10...?
  8. Hi, is anyone selling their starfish hair pin? There is one on Ebay but its 35$ + shipping.... or does anyone know where I can find one for cheaper?
  9. do ppl actually sit where there place card is?? i was thinking of doing some,but just got that thought/worry that the wont even pay attention to them...i was gnan do starfish attached to a nametag type thing..
  10. ill be getting them rhum from the resort...like that i dont need to bring anything with me and who doesnt want rhum! cuba coffee for the elderly or non-drinkers. wrapped up in a nice personalized bag with maybe a few cuban ciggars and a fan.
  11. i donno whats the bug but it is continously asking me to log in....even if I am already logged in.....and i cant go into my USER CP.....in the past week.. anyone have this?
  12. well i looooooove deco...if i would have had a wedding at home,i woulda gone all out....of money that is.lol....but since its cuba im only bringing centerpieces which are 8 starfish trays (turqoise) and 8 candles with sea shells and little turqoise rocks to decorate the table.....just enough to make it pretty and lite.
  13. i thought about actually waxing too,but am terrified!!!! to the point that im about to gag! whats the pain feel like?? ive pierced tongue,nose before id do that over in a heartbeat but waxing..i have trouble removing a band aid!! might just stick to the old method.lol
  14. LOL.... my mom did it naturally too i think that was the thing back then BUT I DEF WANT THE DRUGS.lol
  15. 9 of our friends will start trying to conceive in cuba at our wedding too.lol... its crazy....i guess we are all around the same age, so weddings and babies are like EVERYWHERE these days! im so glad to know i am not the only one going baby crazy and it feels good to let it out.lol...... scared about the giving birth idea tho.lol....
  16. hi all.. I need to vent out of excitement..lol...weird i know.... check this out, we are getting married in 2 1/2 months and all i can think about is starting a family with my wonderful husband to be...normal in a way right?.. well my entire life, 26 years old now....i never wanted children,didnt like them, did not want one, just doggies suddenly we bought a house 2 years ago, and these urges start just poping in my head outa the blue...dreams every now and then..and then every so often..boom BABY thoughts would come and then it started becoming more and more frequent...to the point of now being obsessed with thinking of when we should start trying to conceive...thinking of names, deco, all of it......my fiance is totally aware of my baby craziness and is completely excited that I want children and cannot wait to start trying...by the way, i literally wake up in excitement, thinking of deco ideas or names....and cannot fall back asleep because I am so excited..helloooo im not even pregnant or even close to becoming pregnant..... we have not really set a date on when we should start trying, but we cannot wait...... obviously my biological clock that everyone told me would soon kick in has done so, FULL BLOWN... has anyone else gone through this? please share so I have someone else to talk to about these overwhelming thoughts going through my mind 24/7
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