hi all..
I need to vent out of excitement..lol...weird i know....
check this out, we are getting married in 2 1/2 months and all i can think about is starting a family with my wonderful husband to be...normal in a way right?..
well my entire life, 26 years old now....i never wanted children,didnt like them, did not want one, just doggies suddenly we bought a house 2 years ago, and these urges start just poping in my head outa the blue...dreams every now and then..and then every so often..boom BABY thoughts would come and then it started becoming more and more frequent...to the point of now being obsessed with thinking of when we should start trying to conceive...thinking of names, deco, all of it......my fiance is totally aware of my baby craziness and is completely excited that I want children and cannot wait to start trying...by the way, i literally wake up in excitement, thinking of deco ideas or names....and cannot fall back asleep because I am so excited..helloooo im not even pregnant or even close to becoming pregnant.....
we have not really set a date on when we should start trying, but we cannot wait...... obviously my biological clock that everyone told me would soon kick in has done so, FULL BLOWN...
has anyone else gone through this? please share so I have someone else to talk to about these overwhelming thoughts going through my mind 24/7