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Everything posted by purpleshells

  1. good..good....more stressful than I thought it would be tho.lol..you?? u have msn? pm me its nice to find someone close by!
  2. My sister in law said that if we did not invite her to our wedding she was going to crash it! my fiance and I havent spoken to her in over a year! and my in laws are pressuring us to invite her, continously!
  3. hey yeah im looking for a vase with a cork into it as well..not a huge fan of the heart shaped ones tho....any1 find a good place?
  4. yeah thats what i feel like writing on FB!! I sent out about 40 invitations...maybe got back 15 rsvp...ill assume whoever hasnt written back its a NO
  5. i feel like we are not a priority and it sucks like as if the wedding isnt real or something....its not being taken seriously....is it just me?
  6. anyone know a nice place to do a TTD photoshoot in cayo santa maria,cuba....like ex;abandoned building, train track,fields, etc....
  7. Out of curiousity.....do we have any Montreal brides?
  8. hey, does anyone know a nice place to take urban TTD in or near cayo santa maria? like....abandoned building....train tracks...fields....etc
  9. i think we all dealing with the same issue.........at 1st everyone was so excited to come to cuba suddenly they have excuses..........2 weeks b4 deadline date.....and no one has made a deposit besides my grand ma,,,
  10. my guests are somewhat ticking me off..its funny when you send your invitations everyone is so excited and in and then no one rsvps and its 2 weeks before booking deadline and.......nothing...not even my fiances parents...like wtf?!!
  11. We got a great deal from our TA; bride and groom FREE travel & accomodations for the 1st week of may. guests pay 999$
  12. Getting married may 4th at the MLD yayyyy
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