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Everything posted by ddk5576

  1. Such a sweet & romantic engagement! Congrats to you both! Welcome to the forum!!
  2. Such a sad & yet uplifting story. Goes to show you that the challenges in our life can take us down or make us greater! You chose to become a better person and open your heart back up again to love! You are very strong & wish you only the best! Congrats!!
  3. Sorry this is long, but worth every second!! I was working for a national builder in SC when I was chatting up a future homeowner & his agent. As we were talking, we found out that I had sold a house to one of his friends. The next day I get a call from my past client (now fiancé- DJ). Basically just saying that he heard I was single and he knew I had been in a relationship for 7 years, but he just wanted to see if I needed anyone to talk to outside of it all and wondered if I was up for coffee sometime. I said, thanks and would let him know. Well, the next day was Super bowl Sunday....I had plans to go with a gf of mine to a party (new people), and after hours of not being able to reach her, I decided to send a quick text to DJ to see what he was doing for the game?! I was then invited to the cul-de-sac, where he was going to hang out with the neighbors. I said, why not...I need to meet new people and besides, I wasn't going to watch the Super bowl alone!! It took DJ about a year and a half to finally decide on THE house, so I got to know him a little during the process, at least enough where I didn't feel like he was a crazy person! We were completely, business only those days! Anyway, after chatting up almost the entire game and having everyone snicker at us saying, "Are you guys going to watch any of the game or just talk all night?" We decided to "try" and watch the game. After the game we went back to his house and opened a bottle of wine and continued chatting up the night! Ever since that night, we have been pretty much inseparable (he travels a good bit, so we aren't necessarily attached at the hip). Our dogs had to meet first, before we could take things to the next level...that day at the park was fantastic. (I have a choc. lab & he has 1 choc. and 1 yellow lab) They got along wonderfully!! Our 3 little, well BIG fur balls had a blast at the park chasing the ball & running around. We then talked about how great things were going with us & how we had both waited to find the right someone to spend the rest of our lives with....even talking about getting married! He was sending me pics of rings and I was frantically looking online night & day, so happy to have someone so comfortable in how we both feel, and to be upfront and honest about where we were going together. It has been an unbelievable whirlwind!! A TRUE FAIRYTALE!! So, now to the week/weekend that begins our engagement..... With the travelling he does, I can generally fly up on the weekends where he is, for a trade of him coming home (Nice perks)!! He was working in CT and one of my bestest bestest friends and her fiancé lived just 45 minutes from where he was working. So, we planned the trip for the first week in July which then would follow up with a 3.5 hour drive to South Burlington, VT for the amazing fireworks show on Lake Champlain and to visit his Dad & GF (which live on a house boat for the Summer there). I hadn't seen my girl since NYE in NYC!! So I was stoked to spend some time with her. (I had actually been saying that I think this would be a perfect time for him to propose with the road trip and everything-little did I know how right I was). I forgot to mention that this was right after his birthday week that we celebrated! I took him to see Dane Cook, went to ATL and took him to see the BoSox whoop up on the Braves- had AMAZING seats for him - 10 rows up on the right side of home plate and Beckett was pitching that game- I scored major points for that one! The next day we stayed and watched the 2nd game in the series & I got to meet his best friend & another couple/friends of his for the first time (btw- It was scorching in ATL and after a couple of drinks, a few big tokes on the cigar...guess who passes out?! Yep, ME!!! Great first impression getting hauled off to First Aid) What a weekend!! After my recovery in the cool air conditioned area, we finished watching the game with everyone and headed back to chill for a bit at his friends. It was a bit odd though, we had to hurry back Sat. night, because he had to run an errand at 10am on Sunday....I was thinking how random & odd that was. We live in a state where not much is open before 1pm. I was definitely on to him at that point, thinking he was meeting with my Dad, to ask for his blessing?! (I was right btw- of course I found out after the proposal)! Anyway, after a nice weekend in ATL and a week in CT, we head out towards VT. The Green Mountains are truly an amazing and gorgeous sight! It was cold, rainy and gloomy almost the entire weekend btw. We took little scenic stops throughout our journey....thru Stowe Mtn., even stopped off at the actual Ben & Jerry's, with the cows outside and everything (Yum), and we also walked his college campus (so beautiful)!! All this time I am thinking, hmmmm...I wonder if he is going to ask, at any moment We get to Lake Champlain and enjoy the evening. We get an early start after breakfast and do some sightseeing thru Burlington (love this place), take a nice walk along the boardwalk, again it is still misting and gloomy outside...we start to think that the fireworks may be postponed, but no, everything was still on schedule. We stopped at a local restaurant to grab some togo food to take to the boat, DJ says he isn't really hungry (you think maybe he was nervous bc he had been carrying the ring around for the past 2 days-he even had it in ATL). He ends up getting some food anyway, and all I could think about was how hungry I was, starving!! (I think I had worked myself up during the road trip that he was going to propose then, that I completely forgot about it all and was just enjoying our time together...not realizing that he just said he wasn’t hungry…he is always up for some food). We had a nice little picnic just the 2 of us on the front of the boat, and it starts to sprinkle, so my sweetheart goes and gets us 2 rain slickers (you know, the BIG bright yellow one's like the Gordon's fisherman wears- so sexy!) Now it is time for the fireworks show!! Yey!! At this point I am sitting between his legs as he is trying to keep me warm & dry. Now, I have seen a lot of fireworks and this show was by far the best I had ever seen!! It just kept going on & on!! We were all, "Ooooooo, Aaaaaaah, WOW, Pretty"! He then gets a little serious and says, "Why do you love me?" and I respond, Because you make me laugh & smile, you take care of me, you are rational, a great & caring person, there is so much about you that just makes sense! We continue ooooing & aaaahing and I mention how beautiful the colors are in the fireworks, and he says, " I really think they would look better in this?! Will you marry me?!", as he looks down at his hand, he had opened the box where the most beautiful ring was...and he was right, the fireworks sparkled & lit up in the cushion cut diamond w/ trillions tapering off of it!! Of course I said YES!!! I was so shocked, I cried and just couldn't believe what had just happened!! I was truly overwhelmed with LOVE and EXCITEMENT! All I could do was smile BIG as the sky that night, and I continue each & every day! I am one lucky, lucky gal!! I have finally found the man I am going to spend the rest of my days with!!
  4. Ok..this one made me tear up! Great job making me feel the moment!! Love it! Love Charleston! Congrats!! How's married life?!!
  5. Wow!! I think EVERYONE has me beat, no doubt. But when it's right it's right! We met 3 1/2 years ago - professionally/business only (Sold him his house 2 years ago- well OUR house! LOL!) We didn't really keep in touch, and were reconnected randomly. But from the reconnect to engagement, 5 months!! It has been complete BLISS!! I am one Happy Happy girl!!!
  6. That sounds unbelievably perfect...well after being sick! lol So happy for you both. What a great story!
  7. That is just great! It was totally him and it worked out so well!! Congrats!! Oh yeah...you are getting married today!!! YEY!!! All the best to you both!!
  8. Awww...how great!! It is all about the timing and even though it's not how/when we think it will happen, it always ends up being perfect!! Congrats! So happy for you both!
  9. Those are great!! Perfect!! Any way you can give me an idea of how much they were? We are trying to figure out which route to go with the passport invites-doing some comparison shopping! Any info on pricing would be greatly appreciated!! Much Thanks!
  10. Glad to be back!! Had some family things to take care of. Met some friends of my fiance's! And now......I have a wedding hair stylist and I am so honored that she offered!! Tamara of Tamara New York | Hair Stylist: Weddings, Fashion, Extensions, and more!! She has done amazing things for so many brides! I am beyond stoked!! I can't wait until I have enough posts to check out these reviews!! What great pics & posts since I have been gone...but I still have more to catch up on, so by for now.
  11. Looks like you guys had sooo much fun! You can see the love shine through in these pics!! Love them! Congrats!!
  12. Beautiful & radiant! Great pics! Thank you for sharing!! Youguys look great! Congrats!
  13. All of these are Great pics! I love the use of light and the wedding party shadow pic! Gorgeous!!!
  14. Amazing work! If I wasn't bringing my photographer from home...then you would have not only been at the top of my list, I am pretty sure you would have been the only ones on the list!! I have seen a lot of your work & you guys ARE THE BEST!!! Keep up the great work! Very creative & passionate!!
  15. Beautiful pics & great inspiration!!!! I can't wait to do our TTD!!!
  16. I am also looking for an area florist to add to the arrangements. If I hear of anything I will post! As well as keep checking in here to see if anyone has posted. Thanks ladies!!
  17. Great job! Wonderful & creative ways to put it all together! Too cute! You really outdid yourself!!
  18. Great help! I am doing all of this on my own bc my BM's & MOH's have either just had a baby or are getting pregnant, or are over 8 hours away!! Thank you for sharing!! I really don't know what I would do without this site!!
  19. Love the postcards!! IN the process now of trying to find the "right" ones...geesh I am stressed....7 months to go and I don't have STD's yet!! Having a time getting schedules together w/ photographer. With it being so late, do you think we could just send post cards, then the invites or just skip the postcards all together?! I am a mess! No one to help me except you ladies! Thanks again for all of the great info!! I don't know what I would do w/o this forum!!
  20. Great info as always!! Thank you for the input! Still stressing about the details, but this helps eliminate some of them!
  21. Thanks for the info and pics of your OOT bags! So great to actually see real pics of things!
  22. I am going with the one bag per room with double of things & doing some extras for the BM & GM with some of our favorite things to share with them. Good Luck! The Wal-Mart bags sound likea great deal?!! I hate going into Wal-Mart though....but if it's for the chance to find great bags for a great price, then I will just have to buck up and do it! I will go by there today and see if they are still available! Thanks ladies!!
  23. Wow! Thanks for sharing!! I can't wait to start getting everything in order for the OOT bags!!
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