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Everything posted by ddk5576

  1. Wow! Good info here! I hope Dreams Tulum has contracts or whatever is needed for outside vendors. I guess I will find out soon enough! Thanks ladies!
  2. So, it appears that we are going to be temporarily relocating to Vancouver for 6 months with my fiance's job...and hopefully my job (I am trying to get hired with his company). I would love to get to know some of our Vancouver brides from here and if I could reach out to you or vice versa when we get the exact dates of our move! I could really use any help, guidance, etc...with the area and new friends! I look forward to this new journey: our pending nuptials, moving across the country, new experiences, new people, etc.... Talk to you ladies soon!!
  3. I can't wait to see the new reviews & pics!! I just started getting my planning thread together...whew. So much to still learn & upload! : jmb0902 - 1 more day!!! Good luck with everything & have a great time!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
  4. Just finished placing an order for our STD magnets..I know I am behind..but I found a great site that prints custom size magnets - 4OVER4.com - Full Color Online Printing Company!! I have a promo code - AAZZ20 to receive 20% off! So I am getting 200 magnents for @ $160!! What a STEAL!! I am attaching my final boarding pass pic. I have the template in Photoshop, saved in layers, so you can personalize it for yourself!! I can't download it to the site (super large file), but feel free to PM me and I will email it to ya!
  5. I am interested in this as well! I hope someone can help us! I have searched online & haven't been successful.
  6. I know this is a little late, but this forum just has soo much info to go through! Which is great! Anyway.... Wow!! Congrats!! Everything looked AMAZING! What great fun! I wish I would've seen seen this thread before making arrangements to get married at Dreams Tulum..oh well. Love the pics! Fantastic!
  7. I hope this works!! here is a picture of THE RING!! The picture really doesn't do it justice. The center diamond is a cushion cut with trillions that taper off of each side and 3 smaller diamonds on each side down the band! It is the most sparkley, shiny, just crazy glittery, glistening spectacle on my finger!! I love love love it!! THE ring bdw.pdf
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM Can't think of any of hand but I'm not sure airbrushing would be the best option for a wedding in the hot sun anyway. You probably want some kinda of forever stay make up or def something non transferable so you don't get it on everyone/everything your touch. I think airbrushing would come off as soon as you sweat. I'll ask Fernando when I see him next week and give you a lead if I find anything out! Thanks so much! That would be great!! Have fun! TTYS!
  9. Does anyone know if any of these makeup artists do airbrush? Or who in the Tulum/RM/Playa area does the airbrush technique? I have googled and googled and can't seem to get any good leads. Maybe I am missing something?! Thanks much!!
  10. Paint!?! How creative! I think that is the true definition of a TTD! lol!! My laptop is having issues, so can't see all of the pics Oh well, it seems like you guys had a ton of fun!! Can't wait to see them!
  11. You tell a great story! So happy for you both! Only 8 days until you are a Mrs.!! Yey!! Can't wait for the wedding pics & review!! You will be stunning!!
  12. Such a sweet and loving story! Congrats & good luck with the planning! Have fun!
  13. It's just amazing how much info I keep getting from this thread! Things I don't even think about, that I am now able to adjust for! Thanks again to you all!! Jmb0902- Can't wait to see your pics & review! Don't forget to hit me up when you get back... if there are things you would like to unload!!
  14. Such a great idea! Time consuming, but so worth it when you finish!! Great job! They look smashing!!
  15. Holy Moley!! Those are fantastic!! How creative!! You guys did an excellent job!! Thanks for sharing!! Congrats!!
  16. delauren- When are you getting married and what location? Need to know if Fernando is even an option for me. Thanks for the info!!
  17. Matt- You guys ROCK and I get chills when viewing/talking about your TTD sessions!! The Cenote/water shots are truly breathtaking - my faves!!! Such creativity!!
  18. Ok, I have a question or two?!! 1.) Will Sara do make-up even if Del Sol isn't the photographer? (I am bringing my photographer from home) If so, I can't find her contact info. (or I am having a blonde moment?) I keep getting directed to the DelSol blog. 2.) Can Fernando just do make-up no hair? (Have a friend/professional doing my hair from NY) We are doing a TTD Friday or Sat. & getting married Sun. (So thinking I need someone 2 days?) Thanks for the help/info!!
  19. How awesome for you!!! A whirlwind of happiness! I wish you continued happiness & love!! Thanks for sharing!!
  20. WOW!! You both have me teared up! Everything all gloomy and going against you.....and then, BAM!! Everything that is suppsed to be is!! Congrats ladies!!! Such magical stories!
  21. Awwww how special!! Gotta love the power of wine!! Congrats!! What a special day with the family there and everything! He did a wonderful job!
  22. OMG!! This is such a great story! So romantic and the timing of you two meeting on a vacation, etc.... It was meant to be!! Timing is everything I just love it!! Congrats! Best of luck/love to you!!
  23. So great that he wrote it up! It's wonderful to know how he set it up and hpw he sees it! You guys are too cute!! Congrats!!
  24. Sounds just perfect...like a movie!! Happy for you both!! Sounds like you are ready!! Congrats!!
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