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Everything posted by cb280182

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! Hi lady, I'm also from the UK, but didn't book our wedding through a TA, we booked direct with MP. My wedding co-ordinator has confirmed with me many times that we only need certified certs....I went back and forth with her many times on this, because on the youandyourwedding.co.uk forum soo many ppl say they have been told by TA's that you need to go down the route you did...but she says time and time again that for moon palace you don't need to get the certs embossed. Just wondering if it was your wedding co-ordinator who told you this, or Virgin? Hi, it was on the documents Virgin gave us. I had to send them a copy for them to keep on file and take the originals with us to Moon Palace. I hope they do need them otherwise I just wasted nearly £100 getting them posted stamped and posted again... wouldnt put it past Virgin. they dont seem to know what they are doing most of the time! ..
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by tiffani1980 Help! I am still not very clear on this. Do we need to have our birth certificates apostilled? Our birth certificates are certified copies that have the "official" stamps on them, do we need to do anything else to get married at MP? Hi not sure if the USA and UK regs are different.I'm from UK flying with Virgin holidays. We were told we needed certified birth certificate (exact copy of your BC from the local registry office) this then needed to be sent to the foreign office in london (at a cost of £72!) for them to verify it is in fact a true document, stick a bit of paper on the back with an embossed stamp and send it back. We also needed a solicitor to photocopy our passports and sign and stamp to say we are who we say we are. Both docs were photocopied again and then forwarded onto Virgin. We keep the originals and take them with us. Hope this helps.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by asbarret I've thought about this too as i thought my wedding was going to be at 1:00. I would go for option 1, and definitely do the private function at night. You could stretch out the picture taking as long as you can, then everyone could go to the beach bar and have cocktails til private function....?? Sorry I dont have any better ideas Hi, trickly one... I would have the private function at night too. I have been to a wedding abroad before and this time gap is quite useful to pop back to the room, freshen up apply some lippy or deo, change out of your shoes. It also allows some time for you to relax and have a chat to the bride/groom and other guests. With the weddings i've been to back home there is about an hour gap but the groom and bride are off taking photos and you hardly have any time to compliment the bride/decorations etc. People will find their own entertainment at a bar so I wouldnt worry.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by CristiandJamie Hello girls, I'm getting married at the sister resort Aventura Spa Palace and wanted to share some info since it should apply to the Moon Palace as well. One of my concerns at the Palace resorts is that their bouquet prices are outrageous! For a maid of honor bouquet the prices start at $115+... well I spoke to my onsite wedding coordinator and there is a alternative which you can request a smaller bouquet (they call it toasting bouquet) for $60. Just thought I would pass this information along to you guys as well. Make sure to ask your coordinator about it. Thanks very much for that info. I will definately be asking the WC about it when I get assigned. I was looking at real touch - works out about the same price as the toasting bouquet but without hassel of packing and transporting them. Yeah!
  5. hey, has anyone been to the Palapa Barracudda (steak house) restaurant? Ive seen a few day pictures and they have horrible plastic chairs set out... do they change them for the evening setting? I reallly wanted plain wooden ones. I have emailed the hotel but so far had no reply. thanks so much
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by moonpalacebride Hey CB! Here's the restaurants that my WC emailed me: Restaurants In Nizuc Manglar Rest. - Italian Buffet, Air Conditioning, casual dress code. (35 pp) Palapa Delfines Rest. – Grill, open air, casual dress code. (25 pp) Restaurants in Sunrise Gondola Rest. - Italian Buffet, Air Conditioning, casual dress code. (35 pp) Barrucada Palapa – International /Steak, a la carte, ocean front, casual dress code. (30 pp) Fragata Palapa- Seafood buffet, ocean front, casual dress code ( 30 pp) I've only eaten in the lobby buffet, after I had my amazing spa appointments there last December so I can't really help you much further than this! Also, I'm pretty sure the Grand side has more restaurants, this list is from 2008. Hope that helps! Thanks so much. definately something to think about. I too am having problems with people RSVP-ing. I'm hoping with xmas almost over people will get their butts in gear!
  7. Hi, have people decided on which restaurant they are having for their reception? I'm a bit undecided. I originally wanted the Palapa Barracuda (steak house) As it will fit my small group nicely. However now I have seen a picture and they have horrible white plastic chairs and tables... urgk! is this normal or do they change the seats for the al a carte seating in the evening. If not can anyone suggest a nice place for around 26 people? thanks for your help
  8. For all UK brides I have found a fab website bloominggorgeous.net, they have lovely real touch bouquets at really reasonable prices and have some good reviews on the internet. Hope this helps some of you. I plan to order mine after xmas from this website.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JSimMCP CB280182! How neat. Im getting married at Moon Palace on June 5th! 3 days after your wedding. How far along are you in planning? Hi, we will be flying out that day but off to our honeymoon!. I havent been able to do much as ive not been assigned a wedding co-ord yet. Ive got my dress and looking into flower, favours name places etc. What about you? Which location have to chosen for the cermony? x
  10. HI, what about staying at one of the sister resorts (sun palace etc) not sure if they are cheaper than the moon? that way they can still come onsite to the MP and use the facilities: like MP holiday makers can use the Sun Palace facilities? I think there is a tram service between the resorts or worse situation grab a taxi which will prob be around 10USD? hope this helps x
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou YAY! another UK bride! i get so excited if i talk to anyone from the UK marrying at the mp! what date is your wedding? how many have you got going? weve got 18 (including me and the H2B) booked so far, and about another 10 as possibles I booked everything direct with the TA so didn't know about the bulk room bookings to get free events, which is a real bummer! but never mind! i haven't even started on the apolsiled birth certificates! i should look into that! that's all we need right? i have the name of a company, that's on my Things to Do for next week most of my bits are organised, i'm having a beach ceremony, no cocktail reception (because we can't afford it, so just going to one of the bar's) then a private function for the evening. my main problem is centerpieces, because the MP flower prices seem very expensive, but then lugging things from the UK to Mexico isn't going to be easy!! what are you doing? are you doing OOT bags? xx I honestly cant wait, its going to be so good. Every time I mention Moon Palace people seems to know all about it, its known as one of the top hotels! Our date is 2nd June 2010, we have 12 adults and 2 kids so far but about 10 possibles that are fairly certain to go and then four who said they would but the excuses are starting. I dont mind if they cant come just wish they were honest and told me rather than me finding out from others. We booked with Virgin through our local TA so we didnt know about the bulk deal you get either but we are getting lots of other things free. H2b is catholic so we are having the Immaculate conception chapel. Like you we are also not doing the private cocktail bit. Think you have to get your passports certified by a solicitor and also birth certifcates sent to FCO for 'approval' (basically rubber stamp them and charge you £62 for the privilage!). then send these onto the TA. Flowers is a big issue for me too. SOOOOO expensive and you cant use outside vendors. Think I have a solution as I need 2 x BM bouquets as well. Found a website called bloominggorgeous.net. going to get real touch flowers for me and the bridesmaids (fraction of the price and you can keep them forever) and then ask if I can use my free bouquet flowers as a table piece instead of a bouquet... hope they will let me. I'm not going to do OOT bags but will get really nice favours for the guests. Are you doing them? x
  12. I too am shocked at the prices of the flowers. I really begrudge paying 130 USD for a bridesmaid bouquet that will be thrown in the bin at the end. Can someone recommend a silk/real touch web page that ships to the UK? There are loads of sites but I would really like to get the opinion of someone that used one. thanks for your help
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou Hi I'm a MP Bride, getting married on the 30th July 2010 at 4pm. I'm very excited! it's nice to find a 2010 thread and also nice to see some uk brides on here! just because i wonder if the UK girls are having any probs with things like people booking, or getting things transported to Mexico?! how's everyone's plans coming along? xx HI! I'm a UK bride. Things arent too bad at the moment with planning but having problems with getting our birth certificates legalised (my partner was born in south africa and the FCO wont legalise foreign docs so have to go to a solicitor and get a cover sheet signed and then they will legalise it- very long winded!) How have you got on with all the paperwork? People booking is another matter! I decided i'm not going to stress over it, I have given people save the dates and also invites so they know where and when and have had over a year to save. I know its a big ask for people to come and I havent pressured anyone into coming. I know a few people that could afford to come but havent booked but it all depends whats important to them. I wont think any less of people that dont come but will have a special bond with people that make the effort. How are you doing with bookings? x
  14. Hi, just heard back from Moon Palace ref getting flowers from an outside florist in Cancun. They dont allow outside vendors . Really annoyed. I do wonder whether there is some way round this? I know they had this same standard line for outside photographers but some people have got round it. Maybe if I get my dad to go to the florist and pick them up and sneak them through reception? I am definately not paying $120 x 4 for them to be thrown away at the end of the night so may have to get silk flowers. Anyone have any ideas? thanks
  15. Has anyone ordered flowers from a florist in Cancun. I know Moon palace are strict about outside venders but wondered if this was applicable to florists. I am very reluctant to pay $120 dollars each for my four bridesmaids and for myself. I could get silk ones made but I really like the look of real flowers. any suggestions? many thanks
  16. Hi, does anyone else think the bouquets are really expensive? I can understand for the bridal bouquet but they dont seem to have a bridesmaid bouquet option. I have seen on the 2008/2009 MP page that a few brides have ordered 1 bouquet and split it down into two. Has anyone tried this / thought about this. I doubt I will have time on the day to do this myself but my MIL2B is good with things like that.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by tiffani1980 I am getting Married at MP on March 19, 2010. The days are counting down...really fast! I was going to go with a package, but I really don't need fireworks, and would like other things. I am going with the free package, adding photog, horse drawn carriage (from every review, i've heard it's a MUST!!), and I want the reception. I have some decorations for the beach ceremony and I will also bring some things for the reception table. I am excited!! Many congrats! I think i got swept along with the idea of the package with all the pretty pictures etc. When me and my partner sat down and actually thought about want we HAD to have and what we would LIKE to have (rather just having it for having sake) we decided on the free and added on horse, photo package, DVD and disc of photos. I would like to have a cocktail party and the Mexican trio but still undecided. I have seen sooooo many things i want to buy (tables decs/candles/parasols for the bridesmaids/flowers) my H2B has had to try and reign me in I think!! We are suppose to be saving money by getting married abroad. x
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton We are also doing the freebie wedding, but we aren't doing the cocktail hour we are just bar hopping from bar to bar around the resort complex for the evening before doing a dinner somewhere! Since its an all inclusive resort I don't really agree with paying them a bunch of money to set up stuff thats free otherwise! I may be partial to it cause its what we did for the wedding I attended there and we all had a lot of fun. My parnter feels the same, it is a lot of money (around £350) basically for a few nibbles and thinks as we are all inclusive whats the point. I've not been to the resort, I just wanted a sectioned off area for our group. Ive been to weddings before where they havent paid for exclusive use of a bar and you get everyone wanderig in (i'm worried that we will all be in full attire and Ill be standing next to a beer bellied man in his speedos!) Do you think this will happen as you've been before? Can you order a few places of chips/nachos etc? or would this be cheating?! thanks
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by angelalanahung You need to go here Palace Resorts Weddings HTH Thanks for that, I found the prices for the soloist etc now which is a plus but it doesnt list hairstyles only flowers for the hair. My mum has thick curly hair and I would love to be able to pay for her to have it put up. Think Ill check out cuties post and see if that helps. cheers
  20. Hi, after completing many excel spreadsheets I have decided to go with the Virgin free package and add on separate extras ( horse and carriage / cocktail party) Im stuck on prices for the Hair salon on site. Ive had a good look through the posts on 2008/2009 thread and even with the search options cant find the prices. Ive tried a google search and found prices for the spa but nothing else. Can anyone help me out with this? Also has anyone had any of the soloist/trio options and what did they think? I am considering the mexican trio . thanks for all you help
  21. Hi, I know you posted your review a few months ago (hoping you will be logging on still) I see you had the Catholic Gazebo and wondered if you could answer a few questions. I had emailed the hotel but yet to have a response. Did you have to have any baptism/confirmation documents to enable you to get married in that location by a catholic minister? Reference the decoration: did you request the carpet be taken up (looks a lot better without it!) and did you bring your own petals or did the hotel provide them? they make a lovely effect so may be stealing that idea from you!! many thanks
  22. Just had an email back from Virgin seems they sent all the information to our travel agents on 24th July but they have not forwarded on... grr!! Luckly they were able to attach a copy of the letter with forms to fill in etc. I have seen on the 2008/2009 page some people had little appetizers etc between ceremony / photos and the meal with a mexican band playing in the background, not sure if there is a area in the lobby bar where they can provide this?? section it off for you? From the website the lobby looks very posh and I'm pretty sure it has air con? Maybe someone else on here can confirm? If we can get air con that would be good but i'm not super fussed as most of my family are coldies (live in jumpers and have the central heating on all year round making their houses feel tropical!) Hopefully there will be a bit of a breeze to keep us cooler plus we are having ours later wont be as hot i hope
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by angelalanahung Oh I see. So why won't you be able to have the decor you want if you get married in the catholic chapel? Looking at the pictures the settings are all based in the gazebos with the white chairs, the chapel set up just has funny white things attached to the end of the wooden pew rows... will it be wide enough to have the decorations also? I hope so. I have emailed Virgin but they have send a standard reply asking me to call. God knows how that will go as I have not been given any reference codes etc... will call in my lunch break me thinks. Anyone have any ideas on evening receptions? I have heard you can book a a'la carte or on the terrace for an extra fee. I am leaning towards having the steak grill. x
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by angelalanahung All sent! Lovely thank you! I see the sea shells now... I think they are ok, seen as thou I will be looking towards my H2b at the time I doubt Ill even notice them!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by angelalanahung So you didn't book the wedding through Virgin? Do you mind me asking what you paid for your wedding package? We are getting married in the Nizuc gazebo, H2B is reliogious but understands how I feel so we are going down the civil ceremony route We booked through an independent but with Virgin holidays. We figured that if we just went to a first choice/ thompson we would ony get their deals but the indepedent stocks all hols and has no loyality to a particular company (plus we wanted to help a small business - they have given us great deals in the past). In the end we had to go with virgin as we wanted to fly onto Orlando for our honeymoon and 99% of the other companies didnt offer twin centres. The lady phoned up the virgin holiday line and booked us that way. I didnt pay anything as we ok-ed the free package to start with ( i know virgin offer their own upgrade but didnt want to take it straight away as i wanted to check what the hotel offered before we signed up to anything - might get a better deal booking direct with the hotel) I just realised that if we are having the catholic chapel I prob wont be able to have the decorations from the sapphire/diamond collection!!!! bummer!
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