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Everything posted by NikkiandBill_Aruba624

  1. Hi LisGeo09! Your information is so helpful! Thanks for sharing and your pictures are GORGEOUS! Our wedding is booked for next June at the Westin in Aruba and we can't wait. You mentioned you honeymooned in Ireland do you have any suggestions on where to go? We are thinking of going to Ireland after the wedding as well so I was excited to hear someone else did a similar itinterary. Thanks, Nikki
  2. Hi All! What a great site! I am a newbie here. We booked our wedding in Aruba at the Westin next June (6.24.10). Are there any other brides here who have gotten married at the Westin Aruba? Also, looking for any couples who have honeymooned in Ireland. Thanks, Nikki
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