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Everything posted by jh17

  1. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to register in Canada aside from the Bay and Sears? We are currently registered at Sears and our guests are having issues ordering items online (plus we have had really poor customer service from Sears regarding our registry). Most of our guests are from outside of Canada so I need a registry that allows people to purchase gifts online... I had checked out the bay but I don't think you can add items online and we live about 50mins from the nearest store (and I don't really have time to spend in the store scanning items!). Any suggestions? thanks!
  2. here is mine: www.wadeandjane.com I wish I had more on there. The music request list has been very helpful!
  3. I am getting married on October 17th and planning the AHR for April 17th. My fi and I live in Alberta but will be having our AHR in Nova Scotia (thats were his family and our friends are). We want to wait until April because he will be busy with work over the winter plus a lot of his family will be driving to NS from PEI and we don't want to end up with a snow storm the weekend of the reception and no one being able to make it!!
  4. ok-now I am stressed out. My mum called the spa for me to confirm our appointments on the day of the wedding. We were a little concerned because the wedding is at 4pm and I was told they only have 2 stylists yet they have accepted bookings for 7 people between 12:30 and 2:30 (and those are only the ones I know of). When she called the girl at the spa told her she can only find 2 of the bookings (and I am not one of the two she can find!!). Ahhh!!! I am sure they will sort it out but I am glad we called now because I would have been really upset if I had arrived in Jamaica and they were overbooked (especially considering we booked and paid 50% in March!!!)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TashaB Are you serious Jacynthia is no longer the wedding coordinator? I am having a mini heart attack. Jacynthia had been so nice. She had even promised that she would do a few things as an exception for me. Now I have to start all over again. Has anyone spoken with the new coordinators? Do they seem nice? Do they get back to you quickly? Has the email address changed or should we still be sending correspondence to the Jacynthia's email? Please help. I am a little worried about it as well. I have not spoken to Lori or Julian but my mum called for me when I was having issues with mailing my documents. They allowed me to scan my documents and then followed up with an email so I have it in writing that they have said it was ok to scan. Do you have all your requests with Jascynthia in writing? I have printed off all the emails I have and am bringing them with me in case I have any issues. The email address is the same. I have found that they are similar to Jascynthia in that sometimes they get back to me immediately and sometimes it takes a little while. Let me know how it works out for you. Jane
  6. these are great! I had bought some for my guests from the Gap but of course after I bought them more people have booked so I now don't have enough. I am going to attempt to make some for my guests. Thanks for sharing!!
  7. Its looks like there are two people now-Julian Chang is the Wedding Manager and Lori Douglas is the Wedding Coordinator. Have you tried calling the resort? We have had to do that a few times when we weren't receiving responses via email. Good luck!
  8. My FI and I are dancing to "I run to you" by Lady Antabellum
  9. I was having the same issue with my FMIL-my mother has suggested "what a wonderful world"-Louis Armstrong. I am hoping they will stick with this so I don't have to worry about tracking down another song!
  10. Forgot to mention-I am having Brad Paisley's "Waiting on a Woman" as the last song played before my bridesmaids head down the aisle!
  11. I am not sure about my bridesmaid (I like Bitthersweet Symphony-thanks for that idea!) but my dad and I are walking to "highland Cathedral"-its a Scottish bagpipe song (our family is Scottish and I wanted to incorporate that element into our wedding).
  12. Anyone have any suggestions on getting rid of or diminishing the appearance of stretch marks? I have tried BioOil but it didn't work. I had gained quite a bit of weight a few years ago and ended up with marks on my hips and thighs plus I have them on my boobs (since I was young). I have lost the weight but haven't been able to get rid of the marks...... Any suggestions are appreciated!
  13. Are there any other October Palladium brides out there?
  14. I want to give future palladium brides a heads up about the experience I had trying to mail copies of my documentation the the palladium (birth certificates, etc.). My wedding is in October and the documents have to arrive 30 days prior to the wedding so I thought I would be proactive and send them in July. I paid $15 for registered mail through Canada Post. The documents arrived in Jamaica on July 30th and still have not made it to the resort. I decided I better resend them just in case via courier but it was going to cost almost $100 to send via Fedex so we contacted Lori (apparently Jascynthia is not at the Palladium any more) and she told us to scan or fax the douments and bring the certified copies with us to Jamaica. Wanted to let everyone know in case that is also an option for you-better not to have to spend the money on a courier if it isn't necessary. Jane
  15. Just wanted to throw this out there-we are planning to bring walkie talkies with us to the resort as our cell phones will not work there (and if they did they would probably cost a fortune). My fi and I probably won't be spending much time together in the days just before the wedding - he has friends he hasn't seen in a while that will be there and I have family I only see once every few years, plus I will probably be busy finalizing everything for the wedding (we are spending a week on our own after the wedding). This way if I need to find him (or he needs to find me) we won't have to search the resort. I will let everyone know after the wedding how well this works out for us!
  16. Thank you so much for the review-very helpful! How long was the booze cruise? Was it only your group on the boat or were there other guests? Did the $50 include drinks? I am hoping to organize something like this for my wedding group in October. thanks! Jane
  17. I have a brand new dress from David's Bridal if anyone is interested (I bought this and then found another dress which I am now wearing to my wedding). It is size 8 with tags still on - paid $399 for it. Will take offers. Not sure how to post the link so it is on david's bridal website under the Galina collection - Style: T9698. PM if you are interested. Jane
  18. I am preparing envelopes with a thank you card and money before the ceremony so we have them on hand and will give them out provided the service is good (probably $50-$100 depending on the vendor). The one exception is the minister-we wanted to change the wording of the ceremony so my fi will be giving the minister his envelope before the ceremony as a thank you for using the ceremony script we have written. My hope is that this will encourage the minister to stick to the script we have written….
  19. Thank you everyone for the ideas! Here is my draft script-I am not thinking about making some changes after seeing this thread though-I really like the idea of thanking the guests and parents in the opening.... Opening Friends, we have been invited here today to share with GROOM and BRIDE a very important moment in their lives. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife. The Giving of the Bride Who gives this woman to be married to this man? (Bride’s father says ‘I do’) Marriage You are now taking into your care and keeping the happiness of the one person in the world whom you love the best. You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship and blessing of a deep trust as well. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities and love. At the end of this ceremony, legally you will be husband and wife, but you still must decide each and every day that stretches before you that you want to be married. Make such a decision and keep on making it. May you always need one another, not so much to fill the emptiness as to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other and not fail in the little graces. Look for things to praise, often say ‘I love you” and take no notice of small faults. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another. Marriage is a way of life that all should revere and none should undertake lightly. If anyone present knows a reason why GROOM and BRIDE may not lawfully marry, you must declare it now. Declaration of Consent GROOM, do you take BRIDE to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? If so, answer “I do” BRIDE, do you take GROOM to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? If so, answer “I do” Vows BRIDE, I choose you to be my wife. I promise to be true and faithful to you from this day forward in all of life’s circumstances as we face them together. In the joys and sorrows, good times and bad, in sickness and in health I will always be there for you. Before us lies an open road filled with adventure and love and I choose to spend today and all of my tomorrows together with you. GROOM, I choose you to be my husband. I promise to be true and faithful to you from this day forward in all of life’s circumstances as we face them together. In the joys and sorrows, good times and bad, in sickness and in health I will always be there for you. Before us lies an open road filled with adventure and love and I choose to spend today and all of my tomorrows together with you. Exchange of rings I, GROOM give you, BRIDE this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you. I, BRIDE give you, GROOM this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment to you. Declaration of Marriage Now that GROOM and BRIDE have given themselves to each other before us and have shown their affection and trust by the giving and receiving of rings, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Sand Ceremony We now ask that the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom step forward for the sand ceremony. BRIDE and GROOM today you join your separate lives together. The two separate bottles of sand symbolize your separate lives, separate families and separate sets of friends. They represent all that you are and all that you’ll ever be as an individual. They also represent your lives before today. As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, the individual containers of sand will no longer exist but will be joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so your marriage will be. We will begin by asking the mother’s of the bride and groom to each pour a layer of sand. (mothers pour sand). The sand poured by your mothers is the foundation of your lives and marriage. BRIDE and GROOM please pour your sand now, as your lives are now joined as one. This newly formed union and joining of families is represented by the intertwined pattern of sand created by you and your family.
  20. Thanks for all the info Jen! Your pics are great! I had asked Jascynthia to email me the standard ceremony (b/c I also want a civil cermony with minimal references to God). She sent it to me and there are a lot of references and bible quotations so I have rewritten the whole ceremony myself (well, I put together stuff I found on the internet). I emailed it to Jascynthia and she said it won’t be a problem to use the one I have written (they just have to made sure all the necessary components are there to make the ceremony legal). Hope that helps! Jane
  21. Hi Shelby, I am also an October bride (17th at Grand Palladium). Time is definitely flying by! We have 30 booked (including myself and my finance)-we have guests coming from Canada, Texas and Scotland (most are my family-not many coming from my FI's side). I just booked one of the Sungold associates for our photography. Do you have much left to plan? My FI works out of town so I am panicking a little trying to make sure that I take care of the things that require him during the short times that he is actually home (rings, etc.). take care, Jane
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten Have you looked into Sungold with Paula and Damian? When I put all of the pricing together for everything I wanted it came out comparably with the others and I thought their pictures were fantastic. From what I've heard their associates are also very talented. Here's their website - Paula was very quick to get back to me with info. https://sungoldphoto.com/ Hi Jeresykitten, Have you booked Sungold to do your photography at the Grand Palladium? I just took a look at their website and think their photos are great. I have read that the Palladium only allows the photographer that they have a contract with (True Colors) but I have not confirmed this with Jascynthia yet. I would prefer to go with a different photographer because the pictures are really important to me. hope the planning is going well! Jane
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