Well ladies- about an hour after my last posting on Wednesday, I got a call from the doggy daycare. Apparently Crosby climbed onto a 3' or so cat tower and jumped off. They took him straight to the vet next door, did xrays, then we took him back Thurs to see an orthopedic Dr.- he fractured his little paw. So thank GOD he doesn't need surgery or anything- these injuries are common in such a little one. He needs to be in this splint for about 6 weeks. The past couple of days have just been horrible- he just looks at me like, 'Mom, what's happening?'
He's being a total trooper though- he's getting along just fine on 3 legs, although sleeping has been very frustrating for him because he has to wear his cone. I think I have cried more about it than he has. In this pic he's a little out of it from the anesthesia. My poor little guy