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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. Dana- I honestly thing it was a fluke accident. The place I took him to gets rave reviews and you can tell he really cares about the animals. He put him in a little room with two other small dogs for 30 min to go and run errands (they usually just rome, and the bigger dogs are kept separately) well, the room that they were in has a 3-4 foot cat tower in it next to the window. The only thing that could have happened was that Crosby wanted to look out the window, climbed the cat tower and either lost his footing or jumped. It really could have happened anywhere, since he is so small. I’ll be more aware now of when he wants to jump out of my arms, out of the car, etc . If I were you, I would find a daycare that has awesome reviews, and that you feel comfortable with! OMG Velvetter—Remy is so adorable!!!! How old is he? He looks much smaller than Crosby- he is about 6-6.5 lbs…
  2. Gorgeous!! Welcome to the forum! There is a fabulous thread for all of us RPRM Brides (same name) where you will find a wealth of information. Can't wait to hear all about your planning!!
  3. Thanks! What kind of dog do you have?? Now you have to be a photo posting maniac That's what BDW girls love!!
  4. WOW everyone looks so gorgeous! Islandbride, i HEART your dress! I'll post mine later- still have to lose a few lbs for it to zip up all the way- darn salon ordering the wrong size!!!
  5. It is a great thread to go all the way through- I have tried to do it again, but it's so long!! As for posting pics- sign up for a free photobucket.com account, upload your pics, and copy the IMG code into the forum text area. Katie- when do you leave Thanks Sammysgirl--he really is being so good about it. It's amazing how resilient animals are. Only 5 more weeks hopefully in the splint!! In case anyone else didn't see- my doggy broke his paw at doggy daycare last week:
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* Ya and she took her 2 year old twin girls to get manicures...what the heck?! Sorry if anyone has done that but I just think that's mental. And it's really creepy how possessive her husband is over her, even though she's allowed to dress like a ho most of the time. LOL that is so funny!! and TRUE. Did you guys see that clip (one of those that they put in between commercials) where Alexis and her Hubby are at dinner, and he makes fun of her in front of the waiter? I don't remember the details, but he made her look really stupid. It was sad, and she was just like, 'giggle giggle hehe'
  7. Yay for new brides!! Vlvetter7- I wish I could say that the time goes by fast, because for me-- it hasn't!! I'm sure the last 2-3 months will go faster--- my advice- stay on this forum and it will make the time more bearable.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by dolfinluck I know how you feel. In Dec my little girl broke her radius and ulna. Went to 3 different vets, spent a ton of money but luckily in the end she is back to almost as good as new, has a bend in her paw b/c of it. One of the vets told us there was nothing we can do and we just have to limit her from going side to side for the rest of her life, i was like WTF she i only 10 months old. Luckily in the end she just had to be in a soft cast for a couple of weeks. Oh no!!! Well, I am SO glad that she is ok!! It is just the worst seeing your puppy in those casts isn't it? Look at her too-- she is so precious!
  9. awww thanks--- the daycare guy also feels SO bad that he is taking care of him for free until it heals. I know he had a blast because he loves going back there!
  10. The first wives club= goldie Hawn
  11. That I leave after work on Wednesday home to Denver to have one of my 2 bachelorette parties, and to hang with all of my fam!!!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JENISE Wow ladies. Can't we all just get along?!!!? No where on this thread did I see that CancunBride say these were Tiffanys. A previous bride had asked but no answer was ever given. It should be at a brides discretion whether something is worth purchasing. If you feel like something is too good to be true, then you do not have to purchase the product. I think we are all big girls here and are able to make our own decisions. I don't mean to ruffle any feathers, it's just I feel like Cancunbride is being attacked. This forum is supposed to be friendly and inviting and I just feel hostility. Again, can't we all just get along? lol Amen Sister! I think you said everything that I was thinking while reading these posts. I don't think you are ruffling any feathers at all. We are not here to attack other members- we are here for support, ideas, and even friendship! This forum is not a place for negativity. Thanks for posting the beautiful necklaces Cancun Bride!!
  13. FRANK SINATRA!! Whether he sang or not- he is my ultimate celebrity crush...(minus the womanizing, etc, etc...) Would you ever go on a reality TV show? (Just for the record, I was on Ricki Lake back in the day...long story. I forgot about it until just now!)
  14. Our bridal party consists of our nieces (8 yrs, 5 yrs, 3 yrs) and nephews (5 yrs, 3 yrs) I'm planning on making or buying some jewelry for the girls for the wedding day, as well as blinging some tank tops for them. What the heck do I do for the little boys?? I certainly cannot bling anything for them!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Say Yes to the dress!! Oh- and 4 weddings is looking to be a close runner up. I'm obsessed! Carolina24- you're so right- Ignorant people = SUCK! If you had unlimited budget- would you pay 25,000 for a dress you loved ( a la a girl on say yes to the dress?- well, she bought the sample but that is the retail price of that dress)
  16. Congrats ladies!!! Isn't it the best feeling?! Since January of last year, I have lost 18.5 lbs- and I'd like to lose 9 more. I have tried a few different 'diets' but nothing beats good ol counting calories, eating non processed foods as said above, and exercise.
  17. A bit when I was usual. I grew up in a predominately white neighborhood, and I am hispanic. I had a kid tell me that they couldn't hang out with me because I was a *pic. (Their parents told them that) From then I had parents from time to time telling their kids I was a 'bad influence'. Hmmm... 4.0 good family, how is that a 'bad influence?' I did see one of those girls right when I was starting college. She was with her Mom, the one that didn't like me in jr. high. Her daughter was pregnant, and on the ankle bracelet. It felt really good to tell them I was about to start college! Sorry for the long story! If you knew in one year that you would die suddenly, would you change the way you are living right now?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by clfaidl2 Those paris hilton shoes are so cute, where did you find yours aimee!? They used to have them at zappos.com- and if you want them, you can search them by name on the site- they will say sold out, but they can email you when they come back in. I got my bigger size exchanged that way!
  19. Mmmm I have. There's this FAB one in the Mission in San Francisco that I adored (when I lived there) Vegan Lasagna was my fav. I have no clue what was in it- but it worked for me!! Would you change your religion for your future husband, if it were really important to him?
  20. Anything by Augusten Burroughs What is a movie that you've seen 50 times by choice? (Mine is Forrest Gump- watched it last night!)
  21. I would suggest going to Zappos.com, and search under Paris Hilton Spelled. They are not in stock right now, but they have an area where they can email you when they come in. My shoes from there needed to be exchanged for a larger size, they didn't have them for 2 months, then I got the email. I HEART zappos.com!!
  22. Curious case of Benjamin Button- Taraji Henson
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