Dana- I honestly thing it was a fluke accident. The place I took him to gets rave reviews and you can tell he really cares about the animals. He put him in a little room with two other small dogs for 30 min to go and run errands (they usually just rome, and the bigger dogs are kept separately) well, the room that they were in has a 3-4 foot cat tower in it next to the window. The only thing that could have happened was that Crosby wanted to look out the window, climbed the cat tower and either lost his footing or jumped. It really could have happened anywhere, since he is so small. I’ll be more aware now of when he wants to jump out of my arms, out of the car, etc . If I were you, I would find a daycare that has awesome reviews, and that you feel comfortable with!
OMG Velvetter—Remy is so adorable!!!! How old is he? He looks much smaller than Crosby- he is about 6-6.5 lbs…