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Everything posted by LadyTrunck

  1. I think I missed you, but CONGRATS on your legal day KimmyG!! Have a goregeous wedding, and we cannot wait to hear back! As for OOT bags, I am not doing them either. We mailed out shotglasses and tequila for our STD's, doing luggage tags a few weeks before, upon arrival they'll get personalized cups and welcome book, Welcome dinner personalized hot sauce (FI and I are hot sauce freaks!) then for wedding day/ dinner I got fans and maracas. So all in all I thought that this was enough to make our guests feel special, and it really helped on the packing list. I don't know how others do it with all of those OOT bags and traveling? Oh, and I don't know if I said this here before- I went on a cruise wedding and got a small OOT bag with the usual stuff (sunscreen, chapstick, hangover kit) and didn't use any of it because I had already brought all of that with me. SO of course no offense to anyone that does them- I think they're a great thought- but I personally didn't think they were necessary. Darn. Now I want to do tip/key holders. FI would probably kill me though. Do you have pics of yours sammysgirl?
  2. In the mood to clean my house: NEVER
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di 58 days until our wedding! I can't wait but sometimes, I don't want it to go by fast because I love to plan! i'm gonna be in a funk after the wedding! Argh I know! I was talking to FI about that last night- he was like, 'what are you going to do with your time after the wedding?' I was stumped. It takes up so much energy and thought, even if you are not doing a ton of projects..... I'll have to check up with you after your wedding to see how you're doing!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Shoesiesluvr Ive been wanting to try that, how is it for a beginner? FI and I did it for the first time Saturday, and tonight will be our 3rd time because we loved it so much. Both of us had done regular yoga a handful of times, so I consider myself a beginner. The poses are not too difficult, but you will sweat more than you ever thought possible! It was a 90 min class, and the instructor said we may not make it through, but we did. Try it!
  5. OMG I read this thread and decided to try Bikram- I am hooked! I went Saturday, Monday and going again today! It's def a little pricey (135 unlimited month) but I love it. What is the 30 day challenge Renee? Oh yeah and FI went with me and loved it just as much. We're both going to start going regularly
  6. Hot yoga tonight!!! I think I'm addicted!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sfrench0621 I have several pairs of linen pants and have seen linen suits in the store and I just didn't care for the linen pattern that the $99 suit had- just too pronounced and looked almost retro to me. After looking more carefully at the swatch pictures posted earlier in the thread, the more expensive linen that studio suits offers probably would have made us much happier and are more similar to the pants I have. The suit wasn't put together cheaply in my opinion, I just don't like the look of the pattern on the jacket. If he were only wearing the pants it would be fine, but with the jacket on it's way more noticeable. I have to chime in a little bit- my swatches are gone, but FI felt the same way about the 99 linen, so it is probably a good idea to get swatches before you buy just in case.
  8. Matthew Perry: Fools Rush In
  9. I'm using tin sand pails for all of them (2 girls 2 boys), then I will tie bows w/ ribbon on the pails for the girls, leave them plain for the boys, petals in the girls, and sand w/ ring boxes for the boys. (They are all under age 5). I found them online for like 3.50, and to travel, you could stack them! Oh, and I'm just having their parents carry them so I don't have to... http://www.mainstsupply.com/product.cfm/13/107/62192
  10. Cute! I wrote sarcastic sayings on the tags themselves, but I think I'll use this for the letter when I send them out. Thanks!
  11. blueberry pancakes: saturday morning cartoons
  12. I'm really sorry you have to deal with this Holly. I had to make the tough decision of not inviting my Mom to my wedding, because she is the same way. We will be at an AI, and I know she would have started multiple scenes. We're not as close as it seems you guys are, and my Grandparents are like my parents because of how she is, but it was still a very hard choice to make. You too Amygirl! It's so rough when we have to deal with these types of people. All because they're 'family', a term I use very loosely with my mother... I wish you the very best, and I hope that she doesn't put any stress on you on your big day! Just try do do your best to ignore her... maybe she'll go away As for the gift- I think that if you are keeping her in the wedding, it is best just to buy it to avoid further drama. I don't even want to know how she would react if she knows she was excluded!
  13. April 16 and Fridays are good with me! I have a trip to Palm springs two weeks later- I'm going to have to keep working out and being good- which is so hard when you're on vacation!!!
  14. MDLady- you can get the blow up toys that lay flat before blowing up maybe? those will be easy to pack--- other than that, maybe crayons/coloring books, I'm also getting them foam swords and pirate hats (that will also lay flat)...
  15. This time around I'm in too! I'm with Chipotle- starting the sooner the better! My reasoning is selfish, it makes the contest last until my wedding
  16. Staicy- I left a couple of comments on photobucket- it makes my computer at work go really slow though so I had to stop- if you paste the IMG code in the forum, it will post the photos on here... Oh and I love love your colors. They go great together! My friend last year did a similar pallette, and everything was goregeous- we got gray silk dresses from Anthropologie. They always seem to have gray and yellow. Thanks Sammysgirl- that would be great! I always have trouble finding dresses because my measurements are so weird.... I would probably be a 6-8? So sweet of you!!
  17. Gotcha- I ordered custom so I'll probably get mine in the late 40 days too...oh well!
  18. You're right Sammysgirl- not much left to do at all! How exciting. Where did you get that dress?? Love your dress Staicy!
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