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About Mango6112

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  1. I have her. She's pretty slow with the responses and doesn't really provide any valuable information or answers. Luckily just the 2 of us are going so there aren't to many details to figure out I guess.
  2. So we had are wedding date picked (5.5.10) and I "maybe" put some pressure on that I wasn't booking anything until we were official. I knew he had the ring because he would be like "took your ring outside, it's a sparkley day out"---jerk. So we went up to lake placid for our anniversary. He bought hotel and golf and I bought his first ever massage. Friday night out at the bars all he does is be like look at that girls ring...ect. I'm all - I have nothing to compare it to!. He's "wish i brought your ring with me just to shut you up". We have this great genuine sarcastic fun relationship so neither of us were really offended. So Sat we go get a massage (wonderful) then go play 18 at a sweet course. Apparently I had a meltdown (typical) and was like i don't want to play anymore because i'm playing terrible after like 2 holes and he freaked but I didn't know that. Luckily I chilled out and played better after that. So the 18th comes around and I chip on pretty sweet. he freaks and is like let me putt in, let me putt in. I'm all what ever... So i'm watching him retrieve his ball and totally caught him putting the ring box in the cup and called him out "i see you" But if I didn't it wouldn't be how we are with eachother. So I go put in and get it and then he has his cute little speech all planned and asks me to marry him. It was cute. Plus I had brought up our favorite wine so when we got back to the hotel we had that waiting for us (except I forgot the corkscrew so we had to go buy that)
  3. So we're basically eloping but told everyone what we are doing. Neither of us have been big into the vow stuff in front of other people. Also, both love the idea of getting married on the beach barefoot, so we're getting married in May in St. Lucia. Also, I hate showers baby/bridal- I'm just not into them so when my mother offered to do a shower or "something". We told how about and engagement party. She threw some ideas around and settled on a catered cocktail party for family and a few friends in the backyard of my parents house. Cool with both of us. Then my mom decided to change it to 1 in the afternoon "because it will be dark in septemeber" I decided to let her fly with it for like 2 days then after thinking about it was like no of our friends with kids will be able to go and who wants to take up all of their day, people have lives. So I told my mother if she wouldn't do it at like 4-5pm don't bother, it's not worth it, it will be less stressful on all of us. So part of me feels like I don't get to do the "wedding party/reception stuff" because people aren't being invited to the ceremony, based on the etiquette stuff I 've read online. What is everyone doing about traditional before/after wedding stuff?
  4. I totally want a taco bar. We are still throwing the idea of an AHR around but definetly want a station buffett/heavy hor'de'orves type event. We also talked about a quesadilla bar because it might be easier/keep the line flowing better
  5. Just booked last night...Sandals Halcyon Beach, St. Lucia. Wedding is at 11 am on May 5th 2010. So glad to finally have it booked and date secured
  6. So I'm on the sandals website and they are saying 72 hours of residency is required for St. Lucia? I thought there was no residency requirements there anymore. Is the website not updated?
  7. Saturday is the most common for at home weddings, but what about destination?
  8. Anyone been there? We're planning on getting married there may 2010. I would rather stay there because of cost, and just travel to the other sandals on the island. I'm thinking the nightlife isn't the best there being so small. How late do the shuttles run? How far in advance should we book? I kinda want to wait until the jet blue airfare comes out. Also, any reason to book the concierge room vs a lower costing room and just paying the admin/gov fees? Sorry for so many questions!
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